HITMAN 2 trailer

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Oh wow. They didn't cancel the franchise? Maybe WB will turn out to not be as evil as EA after all. (Meaning: cancel everything that doesn't sell 100 gajillion copies in 24 hours.)

Oh wow. They didn't cancel the franchise? Maybe WB will turn out to not be as evil as EA after all. (Meaning: cancel everything that doesn't sell 100 gajillion copies in 24 hours.)
I thought the last one sold well? I only played it a little for that free week they did at the end of July, not my cup of tea per se but it definitely had it's moments.

I thought the last one sold well? I only played it a little for that free week they did at the end of July, not my cup of tea per se but it definitely had it's moments.
It sold quite OK, but these companies cancel them if they didn't sell a gazillion copies as opposed to a million. (See Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Dead Space...)
The "world" they created in this video looks amazing with live events like motor racing but like someone else pointed out i'm not really into sneak em ups. Not my cup of tea either.

It sold quite OK, but these companies cancel them if they didn't sell a gazillion copies as opposed to a million. (See Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Dead Space...)
Well Deus Ex wasn't canceled, just shelved for now. I find it amusing that they are indeed doing what you're saying and I'm sure some execs at squenix were scratching their heads as to why MD didn't sell well. Just a bunch of jackasses. As for Hitman 2, I'm looking forward to it - I enjoyed the last one. If they implement choices with repercussions it's gonna be killer, I highly like choices in games.
Let me guess.....you can kill the race car driver by loosening the lug nuts, or, every few minutes, he makes phone calls while standing underneath a chandelier. This series became really lame once they started to add all the different one-click death methods. Since stealth is basically impossible to pull off in a game, I hope the combat is decent. I bought the latest episode version of this game, but the combat just isn't very good.