Guru3D Rig of the Month - November 2014
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I logged in to Guru3D today for the first time ever just to post on this build. That cable management and color scheme... awesome.
Very well done, sir! I never seen such clean work.
That is really a gorgeous professional looking system. Fantastic!
This rig definitely deserves ROTM. It's absolutely gorgeous.
Damn love that cable management wish mine looked half as good in my 900D
He may have made custom cables so they are the exact length needed. It's perfectly doable if you have the patience. I considered doing it myself on recent builds. Check out Lutr0 Customs. They have all the tools, wire, and fittings you need to make your own cables from scratch.
LOL... mis-interpreted your post slightly. I do my best with cabling (even braid my own cables) but nothing like as good as this build!