Guru3D 2018 December 26th contest - Chasing the Dragon

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After the Palit one, this was way too easy 😀:D
Nice card. Good luck everyone.
Sneaky, sneaky, but also we are better at finding logos. Yeah, ayes already Founded after third round... Good luck guys and thanks for the awesome opportunity!
Found it! 🙂 Yesterday's search was a tough one for me... but eventually found it. This one was much easier. Thanks Hilbert and many thanks to all the sponsors in this year's contests! Thanks MSI for sponsoring today's contest! Good luck everyone and hope everyone has a great start to 2019! Peace!!
This round took me just over 2 hours to find. Keep up the challenge, boss man! I'm looking forward to that 2080Ti 5+ year 1000+ post Guru only contest! I kid, but back to reality I'm looking forward to the last few hunts. 🙂
Forgot to finish searching for the December 25th logo hunt 🙁 so I made to sure find this one today! Thanks and hope everyone had a good holiday.

Easy to spot but it was the last article i checked out haha XD Another GPU giveaway tho, HYPED! by the way Hilbert, can 1 person win more than 1 giveaway or not? (just asking out of curiosity)
While chances would be slim, there is no restriction on that from my side.
Couldn't manage to find it on the last one but I got this one. Good luck to everyone.
Great content i really love trying to find it and managed after around 1-2 hours. Let's hope there is no people that have registered more than one registration per person, wish everyone good luck of winning and more content like that for the future, great idea.