Guru3D 2017 December 21 contest - Win a Corsair Gift Pack HS50 + ST100

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Nice little prize package. Thanks to Corsair for multiple prizes again this year! Good luck to y'all.

"and (don't freak out now) a 3.5mm headphone connector. You know, the plug port that is so close to the power button on your chassis" I've never seen any audio peripheral that didn't connect there, what am I missing? They're using USB today? Doesn't that imply loss of audio quality?
I thought it was more of a jab at Apple for dropping the 3.5mm jack.
Amazing giveaway! thank you. 😀 Good luck to all, and happy holidays!
After yesterday's hunt this was incredibly easy. I feel slightly relieved. Thanks Hilbert.
Thanks again for these competitions guys , good luck everyone , and i hope you all looking forwards to the Christmas holidays 🙂
Channel Z:

I'm still receiving multiple confirmation emails when unsubscribing and resubscribing (even after waiting a few minutes between each step), so I might be listed with a double entry again. Thank you Guru3D!
Yeah, it happened to me too with different article,with this one i got double confirmation, i blame servers they are to overloaded with our subscription .

And the winner is........ me i hope
The winners will be emailed in week 1 of 2018, and announced on the FrontPage. There will be no dialog about this contest possible before and after closure.
And no, you did not win. 😀
I have been entering contests for 37 years and have yet to win even a participation button. 😕