G.SKILL Zeta R5 Neo DDR5 R-DIMM for AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7000 Series

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Not related to the hardware per se but... ...do you guys too feel weirdly annoyed by having anything, just in this particular example a hardware piece, have a name that's composed of 3 different "affixes or suffixes" (hello to fellow RPG gamers out there), and even worse, has 4 different fonts in cursive and with different colors on the product itself? I know I sound like him but... sorry. https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--o8ETKGhq--/t_teaser_wide/cs_srgb,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1483565767/the-terrible-texas-trip-the-big-bang-theory.jpg