GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Launch Date October 26th + Specs and Details
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Andrew LB
Elder III
Has anyone heard rumors on the MSRP for a normal GTX 1070 once the Ti comes out? I have a friend that's been waiting to upgrade their failing HD 7950 for many months now due to the high prices since springtime.
Only reason for 1070ti probable release is to offer more a compelling alternative to Vega 56. If anyone thinks its a bad buy due to EOL, then Vega 56 is an even worse buy.
Neo Cyrus
This card will probably be very wanted by the cryptocurrency miners more core`s and GDDR5 memory instead of GDDR5X that most of the time is great for gaming but not really for mining.
and a price that is more towards the 1070 instead of the 1080 will have a competitive ROI compared to the 580.
so prices will probably be pushed towards the 500 euro due to our friendly neighborhood miners (srry just watched spiderman)
I have a feeling that 1070 ti will stealvall of 1080's sales they should be really close
you do realise there are more (re)sellers/builders than just Dell and the like.
especially some of the large electronic/discounters in europe are known to offer hardware
that isnt "brand new", but still enough for most ppl.
besides that, if i now have someone like me that sold the 1070 to get a LC 1080 for 60@1440p (or that had a card/pc die etc),
to not game/or run stuff at 30fps@720p until volta is out in decent numbers in about 10-12 month.
and im definitely not "wasting" my money on an amd card that runs hotter/louder while consuming more power (vs Nv).
lol again.