GeForce 442.50 WHQL driver download
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With 442.50, the top of my browser pages (Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi and Opera) and the top of my Microsoft mail page disappears. Also, when playing Division 2, my graphics are glitching and sometimes seems very static. After uninstalling and reinstalling 442.19, everything is back to normal. There is definitely an issue with the latest driver
That sounds like the cards borderline stable and nvidia's timing tweaks don't play nice with asus's own overclock.
Warframe is crashing with these randomly, like 441.87 did. Back to 442.01 seems normal again, if I don't get TDR driver crash. If so, all the way back to 441.41.
This is my first time with a driver i get lost signal on my monitor, rollback to 399.24 and fixed the issue.
I had to roll back which is rare because I usually never have any issues with drivers. But something is messed up with these, I get driver crashes with destiny and other games on my 1080.
Scores 24575 with stock 2070 super fe card in Firestrike. That seems very low. :/
scores 10002 in time spy which is ok, maybe slightly low but ok. Firestrike score is bad though.
Firestrike 26789 with +125 core +700 memory using Nvidia's weird default fan profile. Like it stays at 41% for too long imo. New score using 441.87 though.
the dxgi error in apex legends is still present, please fix.
I'm tired of the game crashing just because i alt-tab.
The Goose
Yesterday i played on The divsion2 Warlords and the drivers worked fine but tonight the game is playing like a giant turd and really laggy.
The Goose
hey guys, I gave up on LAV....stick with OpenCodec or similar (e.g. MPC-BE instead of MPC-HC / PotPlayer instead of VLC)
cricket bones
Not having this in mpv with D3D11VA (no copyback).