GeForce 368.39 WHQL driver download
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Not sure if you 1070/1080 users noticed any gains?
That windows update conflict and store bug means something is not right by permissions or conflicts between services.
Try to rebuild WMI and reboot
Now repair windows update, re-register it, you can use this handy tool
Or Windows10 manager, it has both scripts in repair center and its handier lol, 20day trial
In this app there is also a special Windows store fix; its by modern settings >> re-register store apps, clear old cache (wait 1-2min), then it auto opens store app and sign in again
That nv file is dx11 part of driver so there is something buggy for sure.. What if you reinstall the driver (override), potentially it could be that nvupdatus issue, do you use this feature too?
Well I use only driver, phsyx, hdaudio, rested deleted and never saw this bad stub, just checked event viewer yesterday and nothing really special, I had one dcom issue but googled that and fixed again, I remember this permission issue in win8.1 when i upgraded from win 8.0 lol
Darren Hodgson
Darren Hodgson
Just a quick question for those people who have the same stub/bad data error as myself: are you running the NVIDIA SHIELD and/or Stardock WindowFX/WindowBlinds services? I have disabled all four on my system and have not yet seen the error plus Task Manager is still running after a couple of hours and the Windows Store update seems to be working.
One or more of those may possibly be conflicting with the 368 driver to cause the issue (but doesn't with 365.19). My money is on one of the Stardock programs as I've had them installed and set to automatically start with Windows for both but don't actually use either.
Still too early to know for sure if the issues are fixed but, fingers crossed, it is one them. Really do not want to be in a situation where I am unable to install the latest driver because of stuff like this as I play many of the latest games such as Mirror's Edge Catalyst that require the newest drivers to be installed.
Forget that... got stub error just now and Windows Store Check for Updates has reverted back to being stuck on searching! At least Task Scheduler still works... 🙁
GTA5 MultiPlayer crashed, followed by a TDR..
It happened after I changed MSAA 4-5times while using TXAA., plus enhanced MFAA in driver if it matters..
Will see if its better without MFAA enhancement.. Well MFAA seems to be a buggy driver feature.. 🙁
I been extracting the installer for 10 +years and manual install them threw the setup file
Hey guys, i tested the new driver and want to share my work with you, I hope to be of help and you enjoy the video audio is in Portuguese however I put subtitles in English for you, thank you.
the first installation of these drivers gave me TDR error on desktop right after i set up my global settings and manually rebooted my computer.
second installation seems to be ok, no TDR.. played Overwatch, CSGO and WoW.. all seems normal.
i used DDU before installing these drivers in both instances.
Cave Waverider