GeForce 344.48 WHQL driver Download
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I'll be testing these for sure this evening.
Grats to all Nvidia users not with 9 Series on DSR.. very cool that its rolled out to you all now!
Pretty disappointed that they STILL have no SLI profile for SoM.. I mean wtf, how long do you guys need?
I was just wondering if there was gonna be a driver for new civ game and bam!
But says this below it:
NVIDIA have probably corrected it in one place and not the other after Hilbert copied it.
You can, it must of been a typo.
It says this on NVIDIA's FordLynx07
Is there a list of games that supports this DSR? Or DSR is a bypass to enable 4k on 1080p?... I'm confuse...
Scooby, I read somewhere else that SLI profile for Mordor is included. Haven't had time to try this out yet.
0x080000F5 (Catzilla, Dragon Age 2, Ocean Demo, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Unigine: Tropics demo, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Unigine Engine, Unigine: Sanctuary demo, Unigine: Valley demo, Hitman: Absolution, 3DMark11, Oil Rush, Sniper Elite 2, Sniper Elite 3, Ladybug Demo, Passion Leads Army Benchmark, Stone Giant, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, Mecha Demo, Metro 2033)
BL2 PhysX problem is fixed! But PhysX High was quite a FPS hog. It was a bit better on Medium but once again I feel like my CPU is holding back the cards.
Did they actually, finally re-enable CUDA in this driver pack? I have several programs that use them and had to re-add in the v344.16 drivers. I'd live to update, but not without that function.. Any word on it or how to so enable it?
TIA and Namaste.