Fold Faster on GPUs With FahCore_17
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Competition here is healthy! 😀
@mooney: yeah, just divide that power consumption by like 80-85% and you'd get some relatively accurate number.
Nice talking to you too 🙂
Zero points per WU sounds nice!
Guess I'll give that a go.
Wow, I got a great ppd boost on my HD 7950. A big thank you to everyone who helped make that happen.
Quite impressive!
those results sound grate Babel-17
ive now OC my 670s a bit and there kicking out 70k ppd
@yasamoko (from rig pic thread)
I added the flag you mentioned (I think) - only effect I've noticed so far is a lower estimated ppd by around 4k/day. Not too comfy with the interface and wondering if I've borked something. Does the config window look correct? Btw, thanks for even asking - I appreciate any/all help!
No, not there. You need to go to "Slots", click on gpu, edit, then add them at the bottom.
It should not take effect instantly. It should take effect when you upload the finished Core15 WUs and the client then downloads new beta Core17 WUs.
But I want my ppd naaaaoww. 🙂
tnx, i had tried the slots route and added a : behind client-type for some odd reason. when it threw errors at me i fig'd it MUST be the client cuz i'm not toopid.
Tnx again
hahaha, alright. Tell me what PPD you get when your WUs become Core17.
I'll tell ya' right now, the ppd increase is big. One of my clients is on the beta, while one is still on the older project. Estimated ppd atm is 58,682 - my old high for estimated ppd was around 42k, so extrapolate that and we're looking at a possible 75k ppd? That would be a phenomenal increase. I'll post actual ppd increases later but for now, I have a question for you.
FahCore_17.exe*32 is using 1 of my cores at 25%(the full core) whereas FahCore_15.exe32 used a max of 4% of a core.
Is that normal/what yours is using?
TPF for the core15 atm is 3mins 10secs.
TPF for the core17 atm is 3mins 27secs.
Clocks and voltages are stock. 980MHz @ 1.0620V
I appreciate folding and it's goals, but asking me to decipher the log is going too far.
lol, i just realized how lazy i really can be.
*ninja edit
hahaha well just choose the slot for core17, and take a look at the last adjacent percentages, then subtract the time. That's all there is to it 😉
and then this happened...
You're all goin' down! Yay for me! One computer to rule them all!
It settled at 72k and is holding steady there. Almost doubled my ppd, wow.
that strange, im on 7.2.9 have not heard of any problems in 7.3.6 .
it taking me a little time to get used to V7 as well