Far Cry 6 to feature DirectX RayTracing, FidelityFX CAS and Variable Rate Shading

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How about IC, RTP and FG? Interesting characters, rapidly thickening plots and fun gameplay wouldn't hurt either. πŸ™„
Oleksandr is exactly what I expect a 3d programmer to look like! Hold on, he wasn't ray traced was he ... ? I thought Far Cry 5 was a good looking open world which made you think you were there, the game play had a few issues though, too many cut scenes etc etc. Still, looking forward to this new one.

How about IC, RTP and FG? Interesting characters, rapidly thickening plots and fun gameplay wouldn't hurt either. πŸ™„
That's impossible for Ubisoft, when it's in rehash mode.
On point: here is how the Dunia2 game engine handled the environment for Far Cry 5 (GDC 2018): [youtube=JBp8zvLVsgg] and here is a very similar talk for Far Cry 4 (GDC 2015): [youtube=rD6KcxcCl_8] It's interesting to see how they stiched these worlds together in the Dunia/2 game engine, and how these newer techniques in DX12U have made the older methods better in some ways, and yet worse in others, because of the necessity to basically change their entire shader pipelines to accommodate things like VRS. Kinda a shame the gameplay loop of Far Cry games is kinda boring, yet the worlds are so well drawn... Here's hoping for more of a change, but, will probably get more interest in the design and methodology talks at GDC next year, than the actual game itself

On point: here is how the Dunia2 game engine handled the environment for Far Cry 5 (GDC 2018): [youtube=JBp8zvLVsgg] and here is a very similar talk for Far Cry 4 (GDC 2015): [youtube=rD6KcxcCl_8] It's interesting to see how they stiched these worlds together in the Dunia/2 game engine, and how these newer techniques in DX12U have made the older methods better in some ways, and yet worse in others, because of the necessity to basically change their entire shader pipelines to accommodate things like VRS. Kinda a shame the gameplay loop of Far Cry games is kinda boring, yet the worlds are so well drawn... Here's hoping for more of a change, but, will probably get more interest in the design and methodology talks at GDC next year, than the actual game itself
I wouldn't hold your breath, if I were you. It seems that it's going to be more or less the same as the previous games - a big and nice world to wander through, but shallow gameplay, and average shooting at brain-dead enemies. Also, there's going to be a resistance against some charismatic bad guy, and an obligatory "burn the drug field" mission.

I wouldn't hold your breath, if I were you. It seems that it's going to be more or less the same as the previous games - a big and nice world to wander through, but shallow gameplay, and average shooting at brain-dead enemies. Also, there's going to be a resistance against some charismatic bad guy, and an obligatory "burn the drug field" mission.
Yeah I'll def wait for video reviews. FC5 wasn't so bad at first but fell apart after 20hours. It's like fastfood basically. Love jungles though.

I wouldn't hold your breath, if I were you. It seems that it's going to be more or less the same as the previous games - a big and nice world to wander through, but shallow gameplay, and average shooting at brain-dead enemies. Also, there's going to be a resistance against some charismatic bad guy, and an obligatory "burn the drug field" mission.
Yeah, you're probably right. Formulaic gameplay in the Far Cry series is very very old now, and pre-dates Crysis! Now, I might not like the formula, but I can at least appreciate them from a technical standpoint, as their games at the very least run at high frame rates and have very nice environments
@DocStr4ngelove @Loobyluggs FC3 felt fresh and original, since they streamlined a lot from FC2 (which I still like, albeit it's better with the Redux mod), but since then the main titles stagnated in typical Ubisoft fashion - each new game is ridiculously similar down to individual story beats. The side games like Blood Dragon and Primal broke the mould a bit, but the last main title felt ridiculously vapid and stale - which was funny since Assassin's Creed Origins was a complete overhaul from the previous title.

@DocStr4ngelove @Loobyluggs FC3 felt fresh and original, since they streamlined a lot from FC2 (which I still like, albeit it's better with the Redux mod), but since then the main titles stagnated in typical Ubisoft fashion - each new game is ridiculously similar down to individual story beats. The side games like Blood Dragon and Primal broke the mould a bit, but the last main title felt ridiculously vapid and stale - which was funny since Assassin's Creed Origins was a complete overhaul from the previous title.
So true. The whole FC team needs to be replaced esp the senior designer. All these drug-infested visions (mushrooms etc) need to go. This brand could become a 1st person version of Uncharted which we dont have any competitors for on PC. There's so much potential if they'd get rid of the crazy & supernatural stuff.

So true. The whole FC team needs to be replaced esp the senior designer. All these drug-infested visions (mushrooms etc) need to go. This brand could become a 1st person version of Uncharted which we dont have any competitors for on PC. There's so much potential if they'd get rid of the crazy & supernatural stuff.
I agree. Again, the drug / tribal stuff made sense in FC3, and it was the first time we got to see it. Since then it feels like a checklist that needs ticking. Crazy, charismatic villain? Check. Crazy kooky drug trip? Check. Semi-supernatural themes, which don¨t really do anything since it's mostly drugs? Check. Helping some resistance / guerrilla against said villain? Check. A plethora of weapons that mostly kill at the same speed (since everything has CoD levels of health)? Check. Crafting from skins and plants? Check. Boredom? Check!
They stopped making you climbing towers since it's became its own meme πŸ™„. So that's a start.

They stopped making you climbing towers since it's became its own meme πŸ™„. So that's a start.
Yeah, and then they sold the towers to Nintendo to put them in Breath of the Wild. πŸ™„
Ubisoft put them in the Far Cry 5 DLC to remind players they hadn't forgotten about them. Don't forget to pre-order for the crazy disc launcher and killer Chorizo. Hah of course there would already be various incentives and bonuses for that. https://assets.vg247.com/current//2020/07/FC6_dog.jpg From diabetic bears in Far Cry 5 to weaponized disabled puppies in this one.
I get that it's supposed to be crazy by design, but it feels just tacky and sad...

Yeah, and then they sold the towers to Nintendo to put them in Breath of the Wild. πŸ™„
Reminds me of the test i failed during my studies. Decided to copy the solution from the guy next to me since he looked kinda confident but we both failed so hard even the professor made a joke about it πŸ˜€ Be sure who you steal from.

So true. The whole FC team needs to be replaced esp the senior designer. All these drug-infested visions (mushrooms etc) need to go. This brand could become a 1st person version of Uncharted which we dont have any competitors for on PC. There's so much potential if they'd get rid of the crazy & supernatural stuff.
It's certainly an interesting point: 'At what point does a linear FPS game become an open world game?'. Now, there is more than enough in Half Life to extend gameplay, by just adding another corridor to run down with a turret - but the question is whether what you are doing is just 'busy work' to extend the gameplay time, or, is actually an important part of the level design or game design. I would argue that some of the elements in Half Life were unnecessary to the plot, yet did not unnecessarily extend the gametime - just as some of the elements (the canals!) did extend the gametime unnecessarily. With something that is openworld, the game design and level design is micro: you level design the 'bandit camps' and can just drag n drop them into the level editor as instances, almost self contained spawning points for bandits to just 'pop' into existence/system memory. This is versus level designing a linear ABCDEF[insert miniboss]GHIJKLMN[insert miniboss] method of level design. When you are designing a Farcry game, you are designing the environment mostly (as indicated by GDC talks) and the bandit camps, with ladders, stairs, inside/outside elements as a secondary consideration. So - to extend the gametime, they add more camps and to extend a linear game, they add more canals. Where is the cut off - at what point does a linear FPS game become an open world game? And more importantly: what is more fun? Openword or linear?

Crippled puppy with bomb attached to cart? It is not what I want in games.
Yeah the Fangs of War for the animal companions are stranger than ever before what little Ubisoft has showcased so far in artwork and promotional material and the pre-order incentives. Trying a bit too hard or how to say but that shows up in a lot of their games in various ways sometimes it kinda fits the game other times it clashes a bit or feels overly forced. Far Cry has had this dissonance for a while but not to the extent the later installments are now pushing same with Assassin's Creed and Watch_Dogs. Possibly the two new Ghost Recons games though these go with being really extreme and over the top from the start whereas some of the other franchises keep it down a bit more but instead players might be wondering about some of the included content or how to say. EDIT: Or be put off by it for that matter, Valhalla almost feels like it's taking inspiration from the Yakuza series so there's a more focused main narrative and then the side stuff now just about anything goes.
Interesting features. Now add a bit of not extremely boring gameplay to that and you might actually have something here.

Crippled puppy with bomb attached to cart? It is not what I want in games.
Agreed, although I guess he's supposed to deliver ammo to you when you call him and not actually blow up lol.
I'm waiting for a new game to play. Just finished Death Stranding. A little weird but refreshingly creative and actually immersive without the distractive bloat this series is saddled with over and over again. One would want to think they are a serious game production company.