Far Cry 5: Recreating Montana

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Cute. I played 1, 2 and 3 - 1 is a GREAT, outstanding game in it's category, number 2 was kinda boring (remember all those "diamonds" that one is supposed to collect time and again? 😕)... Number 3 was VERY BORING. I skipped the one with elephants and the people armed with arrows&bow..I'll try this one, though...
I'll skip this one, or simply wait until the price is much lower. Why? I don't expect anything new when it comes to gameplay...sure it can be entertaining but how much more of the same do we need?

Yeah. I am still waiting for FC4 prices to come down. Maybe gonna buy it on winter sale.
Well, I got Primal for 7 euro (which I thought was better than 4 which in turn is too similar to 3). That was well worth it. If I had time I might run through it again.
I thought FC5 was released few months ago, don't know from what part of my (damaged) brain that had come lol
Far Cry 5 is AMD far as I know, being made with those Vega64 features for FP16 optimizations for one thing. Then again Watch_Dogs 2 was a AMD game initially and touted with DX12 support, Nvidia probably offered a better deal or something changed and it got some gameworks effects instead. Performance is a bit so-so for AMD GPU's still I believe but the hybrid engine used for these games has that issue, perhaps just a hardware problem with how the high-end AMD GPU's are a bit lacking in some areas but what do I know. EDIT: Well anyways, I believe AMD is still holding on to FC5 so far and it's being a showcase for Vega GPU's again. (Can't really poke into it but I wonder how things look like for AMD and Nvidia in the Vulkan code for Wolfenstein 2 and if that's holding back their GPU's a bit such as these "problems" with async compute but just for the 1080Ti for some reason.)
Wonder if there will be a bonus level where the protagonist starts tripping at a site with dinosaur bones for some Far Cry Primal-esque gameplay...

I'll skip this one, or simply wait until the price is much lower. Why? I don't expect anything new when it comes to gameplay...sure it can be entertaining but how much more of the same do we need?
Same here. This first FC title I am not enthused about. I dont care how "exotic" Montana may be, but the usual rural redneck NPCs with all too familiar accents will take any 'exotic-ness' out of it. Plus, as much as I enjoyed FC3/4, if its the same devs and their 'FC formula', at some point I envision myself tiring of the gameplay. Will it be the same liberating territory or outposts, camps, towns as before or something new altogether?

FC5 will be the Gameworks title? Last good FarCry it was FC 4. FarCry Primal (i finished it) and it was dissapointment. I forced myself to finish it. Lol FarCry 4 looks much better than his much younger brother - Primal. It's abit shame. No Gameworks and console way of programming..
Gamworks is not a problem it is open source, the only problem is that some better graphics effects need much power like some shadow options but Turf hbao+ and al lot other stuff dont give a huge performance impact. This title getting Gameworks and some AMD stuff for higher FPS. I see Nvidia Turf effect on the video.
Don't forget about the graphics downgrade. Waiting for Far Cry 5 E3 vs Retail comparison video. 😀
I'd almost consider this game for the graphics, but I'm not sure yet. FC4 looked great but the plot was... lacking, to put it nicely.