EU fines Valve and 5 other gaming companies for geo-blocking PC games

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This is a slap on the wrist, but make no mistake, the EC will go after them again if need be and the next fine isn't going to be this lenient. It's going to be billions. They've already done it before with other repeat offenders.
so the argument goes that this is nonsense because geoblocking allows lower prices in poorer markets, so its "justified", because otherwise "they would be forced to apply luxemburg prices everywhere" of course they will try and do just that, and fail; instead if they had a brain it would be romania prices everywhere, because brute-forcing every market to swallow luxemburg prices just means getting luxemburg profits from luxemburg alone, and 0 profits from almost everywhere else due to piracy so I hope the EU keeps fining their asses

worst case? piracy will go up.
Piracy is not a so big problem if editor/distributor do it right... Compulsive pirate user would never buy a software anyway even at 1 euro, so you should consider them as "bothering" and not as a "lost of gain". If they do it wrong then some marginal % of consumer will go to piracy of course, but most will abandon the editor or talk bad about it (more bad for them. exemple: EA or UBI). Steam still do that if it was the only one and above any law... On the distance i think it's wrong.
Biały Wilk:

Thank you shitty communist EU imbeciles. Now games in my country will increase in price because Valve will be forced by socialist-psychopaths to make it "equal" in whole EU. Equality for everyone, this was the same when my country was in USRR, the same becomes in EU. And fk! I remember those times, looks like history repeats. I envy USA, every state has more freedome and can set their taxes etc. how they want. If only EU would learn from USA.
I don't think USA is an exemple or maybe a counter-exemple at this moment, also EU is not socialist or communist at all, it's just an heavy useless technocracy... On other hand it remind me also when i was east side too.
Biały Wilk:

Thank you shitty communist EU imbeciles. Now games in my country will increase in price because Valve will be forced by socialist-psychopaths to make it "equal" in whole EU. Equality for everyone, this was the same when my country was in USRR, the same becomes in EU. And fk! I remember those times, looks like history repeats. I envy USA, every state has more freedome and can set their taxes etc. how they want. If only EU would learn from USA.
In US region if game costs $50, it costs like that in every state, and poorer states have to earn harder that $50 than richer states. The US has income inequality too.
Biały Wilk:

Thank you shitty communist EU imbeciles. Now games in my country will increase in price because Valve will be forced by socialist-psychopaths to make it "equal" in whole EU. Equality for everyone, this was the same when my country was in USRR, the same becomes in EU. And fk! I remember those times, looks like history repeats. I envy USA, every state has more freedome and can set their taxes etc. how they want. If only EU would learn from USA.
Thing is, Valve hasn't been geo blocking since 2015 or so. According to Valve, the few games that make use of geo blocking don't even use Valve to enforce it, seems most of them are just doing it cause of country content restriction, Germany as example. Not sure if the case even comes down to price differences, more like some people just seem fast to jump the gun.
Richard Nutman:

Yeah I think this fine is silly. It's stupid to have a single price between countries of vastly different prosperity levels.
From trade and sales perspective, EU is one "country".
This is EU: when they decide new taxes for the people these are immediately enforced with much enthusiasm but when they decide a fine for a very big company it is too little too late. The income differences between countries is not the main problem: even in one country you have regions with more prosperity, development and income than others - so these inequalities are extended at the global level - but the centralized decision IS: it should be a federation of states like USA - it is a proven working model while the EU model struggles every time when there are some problems because of the lefty - tree hugger - idealists from Bruxelles. Anyway the fine amount is "huge" - pocket money for these companies.

because of the lefty - tree hugger - idealists from Bruxelles
Vestager, lefty? Valve has responded to this btw.
VALVE’S STATEMENT: During the seven year investigation, Valve cooperated extensively with the European Commission (“EC”), providing evidence and information as requested. However, Valve declined to admit that it broke the law, as the EC demanded. Valve disagrees with the EC findings and the fine levied against Valve. The EC’s charges do not relate to the sale of PC games on Steam – Valve’s PC gaming service. Instead the EC alleges that Valve enabled geo-blocking by providing Steam activation keys and – upon the publishers’ request – locking those keys to particular territories (“region locks”) within the EEA. Such keys allow a customer to activate and play a game on Steam when the user has purchased it from a third-party reseller. Valve provides Steam activation keys free of charge and does not receive any share of the purchase price when a game is sold by third-party resellers (such as a retailer or other online store). The region locks only applied to a small number of game titles. Approximately just 3% of all games using Steam (and none of Valve’s own games) at the time were subject to the contested region locks in the EEA. Valve believes that the EC’s extension of liability to a platform provider in these circumstances is not supported by applicable law. Nonetheless, because of the EC’s concerns, Valve actually turned off region locks within the EEA starting in 2015, unless those region locks were necessary for local legal requirements (such as German content laws) or geographic limits on where the Steam partner is licensed to distribute a game. The elimination of region locks may also cause publishers to raise prices in less affluent regions to avoid price arbitrage. There are no costs involved in sending activation keys from one country to another, and the activation key is all a user needs to activate and play a PC game.

I don't agree, the price should be set for everyone, and so the poorer side. Not so long ago the normal price for a physical game was 10 Euro, and for a AAA game you were accepting to pay 40 Euro. There is too much sheeps in EU and US that accept: -to give their confidential data for a skin ingame -micro-transactions that cost them 40 euro by month if all merged for a "free game" -to pay a game 120 euro just to have it the 1st day when few week after you will have the same game at 59 euro -... and more we can write pages about the stupidity... All of that because because some brainwashed said "it's a normal way to do", "what can we do about it?", "it's not important, everybody do like that"... CONSUME OBEY PAY Hopefully there is alternatives, and people started to wake up since few years.
You need to get outside more socialist.

You need to get outside more socialist.
Maybe in your country... not here or in our neighbourg, socialist and communist do less than anarchist or independentist in vote since a decade.

From trade and sales perspective, EU is one "country".
It should be like that, but in reality it is not. The tax are different from one country to other some even have no taxes, the incoming aren't the same (if i were working in france i would gain around 1600 Euro, 1200 in spain, around 1000 in newcomer country). Actual EU have just made trade and sale easier inside EU... It's already a good point, but it is not enough for future as the economic fight is global (China is very very hard, they have money, ressources and can do anything from crap to highest luxury).
My my i guess they needed to fund peanut snacks ! :P