EA might be coming back to Steam

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Yup, it's confirmed. I must say, I'm very positively surprised by this. First Bethesda, and now EA (who are ofc waaay bigger) making the move back, this will surely piss off "somebody". As a consumer, I'm glad to have the option again, as sadly, Origin has stagnated a lot, even though it launched so long ago, it still lacks in many departments. And this is precisely why Steam is so good, they mastered and kept on improving their platform to a point where it's VERY hard to get even close to it. I doubt Origin will go away, but I also think that with this move, EA will likely keep it the way it is (aka they won't make many improvements) and invest their money in other places (like actually good games, for a change, hopefully).

Blame marketing. Marketing is a female dominated industry, with approximately 84% of people working in marketing being female. This means: 84% of advertising that has women in the photograph like this one [spoiler] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.s-nbcnews.com%2Fi%2Fnewscms%2F2015_27%2F658696%2Fprotein-world-ad-today-150701_0_95e551d25cdb3607bfbb299aa53f5fdb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1 [/spoiler] were actually endorsed and decided by this individual... and others like her. Which in-turn, makes these individuals, look pretty stoopid 🙂 I had to get that out there guys, because I have to sit through this junk every day, with people making insane claims for the rights of women, when, it was actually women who made the decisions to begin with! Just...lol
What an odd post. Bizarre.

I cancelled my pre order for Jedi Fallen Order and got it on Steam 🙂
Why? You still need origin to play it...

What an odd post. Bizarre.
I seem to be having to explain this alot these last few weeks - I was replying to what someone else said, and appologised for the detraction....

Yeah.... I 'member.
Yeah... EA was like hey everyone that bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 on Steam we will let you activate your Steam copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2 on our new EA Download Manager now renamed Origin it's super good now guiz you will love it. I then spent every moment of using it wishing I just didn't have to use it..... I've sent so many negative feedback messages over the years when it asked how I felt about Origin and if I would recommend it to others.
What an odd world. Not that I'm not liking it. I wonder if they bring over some of the older titles that started on Steam, but then got taken away (Dragon Age 2 and onward, Dead Space 3, Mass Effect 3). Also, could this mean more goodies for GOG (at least Dead Space 2)?

Yeah... EA was like hey everyone that bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 on Steam we will let you activate your Steam copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2 on our new EA Download Manager now renamed Origin it's super good now guiz you will love it. I then spent every moment of using it wishing I just didn't have to use it..... I've sent so many negative feedback messages over the years when it asked how I felt about Origin and if I would recommend it to others.
Yes me too, particularly at the times when origin was new and I played BF3 I usually didn't give them too good of a feedback as well. Lately, my main issue is with Frostbyte's update process (which still is horrible imho needing huge downloads, and downloading first before asking for EULA confirmations which, by itself, is stupid in case anybody would really want to decline). But these days, I honestly make it dependant on what games I play... haven't started origin in like, a year or 6 months prior to BF5's release.

What an odd world. Not that I'm not liking it. I wonder if they bring over some of the older titles that started on Steam, but then got taken away (Dragon Age 2 and onward, Dead Space 3, Mass Effect 3). Also, could this mean more goodies for GOG (at least Dead Space 2)?
Afaik, they will be bringing more titles to steam in 2020. Not sure which those will contain.

Afaik, they will be bringing more titles to steam in 2020. Not sure which those will contain.
Cool. We'll see what the future brings, then.
Star Wars: The Fallen Order is available on Steam to pre-purchase. Thats another EA game, but with different developer which probably have many games on Steam already. Another question is, will it be available on Nvidia Geforce Now since most Steam AAA games are available.