EA looking to get billion dollar tax break
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Andrew LB
As much as I hate EA, they're just doing things according to the tax code as passed by lawmakers. It's like how here in the U.S. if your company takes substantial losses one year, those losses can be written off in future years which is why for example, Amazon is paying hardly any tax this year.
It makes me laugh watching people running for president railing against this practice, pounding the podium demanding they pay their fair share, even though every single one of them does the exact same thing. (i can't believe i sat though just over half of that insanity tonight)
Am sure that you also must be aware of that worth has very little to do with what the company has in cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents makes up a very small percentage of a organization's worth. Also am sure that are aware no company ever started out being worth $100bn on day one. So the question becomes how much cash is available to buy back the stock. Going public is not cheap. There is the five years of audited financials along with the underwriting fee. Plus there had to be somewhere in all those lectures that once a company goes public, it is very long time to go private again.
EDIT: capex, opex, what the heck. Name one expense that does not fall into either of those two categories that also does not fall under cash provided by investment activities.
I'm sure they'll use all that money to continue making groundbreaking games that delight and please audiences the world over. Heck, with that kind of money, they can get rid of all the lootboxes, trash DLC and worthless skin junk in their games. I can't wait to see what new interesting mechanics and compelling story lines they come up with. Maybe we'll finally get the M-rated, single-player Star Wars bounty hunter game we've been waiting for!
Oh that's nice. Glad EA is finally given a break. After all, they treat us so well. What's not to like. Just hap hap happpy
Another example how people vote for stuff they don't understand, since that tax break money is NOT spent on Swiss citizens.
"Democracy has a major issue: the dumb are also allowed to participate."
Gomez Addams
im sorry i just have to post this video..
Because EA aint the only one of those parasites..
Rockstar DOES NOT PAY TAXES but gets TAX RETURNS... Gotta love those parasites...
it is related..
THX... Good evening all..
For the ones that dont like this Jim Sterling, here you go, all in Text..
Gaming the TAX System
Who knew that tax evasion is lucrative. Whatasurprise.
Here's a very enlightening video about tax evasion by AAA publishers from someone who knows what he's talking about: