Download: Nvidia GeForce 378.92 WHQL driver

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Thx alot πŸ™‚
Never heard of Rock Band VR but it sounds like a terrible idea. Now you'll not only just be bumping into things, you'll be blindly swinging a plastic guitar around. Can't wait for the drum kit where you can't see what drumhead your hitting.
You don't stare at the drum kit to play drums.
See's Andromeda and sighs... they might have to start making cough game ready drivers cough for non AAA titles cos they tend to be much better these days lol.
See's Andromeda and sighs... they might have to start making cough game ready drivers cough for non AAA titles cos they tend to be much better these days lol.
Funnily enough, non AAA titles runs better in general on PC by default.
Funnily enough, non AAA titles runs better in general on PC by default.
Thx consoles. Ah Mass Effect Andromeda, how long I have waited for this day to come, and yet when it came im not even hyped. Like my hype is -1, due to well known reasons. My set of actions will be in next weeks in my free time to replay ME 1,2,3, while in the mean time HOPEFULLY Bioware fixes all of this junk. However knowing that currently team has nothing to do with old games, and my favorite franchise... I think Bioware is done for. DA:I was a first sign.
Some quotes from the PDF notes: (Profile updates, known issues and fixed issues.) Game Ready Provides the optimal gaming experience for Mass Effect: Andromeda and Rock Band VR. New Features Added support for Dolby Vision for games. Application SLI Profiles Added or updated the following SLI profiles: Dead Rising 4 - updated Deus Ex: Breach - updated Mass Effect: Andromeda - added SLI profile 3D Vision Profiles Added or updated the following 3DV profiles: Halo Wars 2 - Not recommended 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles These games must be run in DirectX 10/11 mode to see improvements and are not compatible with 3D Vision Surround mode. See β€œ3D Compatibility Mode” on page 11 for more information. Added or updated the following compatibility mode profiles: Dreadnought - Excellent
Open Issues in Version 378.92 WHQL As with every released driver, version 378.92 WHQL of the Release 378 driver has open issues and enhancement requests associated with it. This section includes lists of issues that are either not fixed or not implemented in this version. Some problems listed may not have been thoroughly investigated and, in fact, may not be NVIDIA issues. Others may have workaround solutions. Windows 10 Issues [GeForce Experience]: Driver installation fails when attempting to perform a driver overinstall. To workaround, perform a clean installation. [SLI][GeForce GTX 1080][Battlefield 1 XP1]: With SLI enabled, corruption appears in the game when switching between full-screen and windowed mode. [1889162] [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Mass Effect: Andromeda]: Random memory errors occur when playing the game. [1887520] [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Sid Meirie's Civilization VI][G-Sync/SLI/DirectX 12]: Black corruption appears while entering the in-game menu afte skippingthe cutscene. [200283322] [GeForce GTX Titan X][Ansel][Ghost Recon Wild lands]: With FXAA enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel, the application crashes when enabling the in-game Ansel UI. [200283194] Error code 43 appears in the Device Manager after installing the driver with HDMI display connected. [200283276] [Pascal][Notebook]: The display remains blank while over installing the driver, requiring a reboot. [200273603] [GM204, Tom Clancy's The Division Survival DLC] Game crashes pointing to ntdll.dll when changed to full-screen and to windowed full-screen. [200252894] [GM204, ShadowPlay] For Honor silently crashes if intro video is skipped and instant replay is on. [200247313] [SLI] [GeForce GTX 970M] Level loading hangs in Gears of War 4. [1826307] [367.77, WDDM 2.1] Driver install/overinstall requires reboot. [1757931] [SLI, GP104] Installer prompts for reboot during express overinstall of 372.69 driver on 372.54. [200231806] [GM204] Quantum Break window either remains blank or freezes in game scene in windowed mode. [1804910] Surround Display icon disappears after rotate mode set to portrait. [200201040] [SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046] [Luxmark 3.0] Display driver stopped responding while running benchmark LuxBall HDR (Simple Bechmark:217K triangles). [200153736] [347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS. [1591053] Windows 8.1/Windows 8 Issues [3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811] [Video, Notebook] The NVIDIA Control Panel video color settings have no effect on YouTube flash video playback within Internet Explorer 10. [999485] Windows 7 Issues [GeForce GTX 1080] Battlefield 1 hangs when campaign loaded with Fast Sync enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel. [200254350] [SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046] [3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811]
You provide ISSUE, this not fixed
Yeah I just noticed that, I'll have to update the quote as Nvidia didn't provide a list of fixed issues for this driver in the PDF notes, just the known ones. πŸ™‚ EDIT: Included the header, should be enough to specify these are open / known issues rather than issues that this driver fixed.
Be nice to see nvidia use that AMD chill tech, They use gpu boost but be nice for them to innovate for a change and add some new features. Its pretty boring seeing the same day in day out.
Set fps limit by any means you prefer to anything below what you have in a game without it usually - there, NV has just implemented "AMD's chill tech".
Could anyone test performance in Andromeda (trial or full) vs. 378.78? Also power limit values, please πŸ™‚
PCGH's MEA benchmark was performed on a pre-release version of this driver (.90).
are these worthy of my time? I still using 375.70 is WDDM2.1 even worth it? I still have to to do the update to 1607 on my main system fiqure I might as well just wait to creator is out, seeing I gonna probably wind up cleaning install just to make my OCD stop driving me nuts like it has done every time I ever did I "upgrade" Besides last I checked the BS bug where UAC prompt get displayed UNDER other OPEN windows still happens, Which I find more annoying then the the 1511 bug where he START MENU remained open even after the the STARTBAR disappeared
are these worthy of my time? I still using 375.70 is WDDM2.1 even worth it? I still have to to do the update to 1607 on my main system fiqure I might as well just wait to creator is out, seeing I gonna probably wind up cleaning install just to make my OCD stop driving me nuts like it has done every time I ever did I "upgrade" Besides last I checked the BS bug where UAC prompt get displayed UNDER other OPEN windows still happens, Which I find more annoying then the the 1511 bug where he START MENU remained open even after the the STARTBAR disappeared
If you're not gaming then it won't make any difference.
Worth the whole 1 minute of your time? Is that what you're asking?
worth me re applying settings and or get glitchs or problems I dont have with what i got atm
If you're not gaming then it won't make any difference.
I only playing Swtor and or Skyrim SE
I only playing Swtor and or Skyrim SE
I wouldn't bother really. I updated from a 375 driver because WU would forcibly install a slightly newer point release. If you don't have to put up with that, keep what you have.
I wouldn't bother really. I updated from a 375 driver because WU would forcibly install a slightly newer point release. If you don't have to put up with that, keep what you have.
Yah Windows was forceable update my drivers but I fixed that permently and put back 375.70
Ghost Recon Wildlands and Mass Effect Andromeda SLI profiles working good for me.
[GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Mass Effect: Andromeda]: Random memory errors occur when playing the game. [1887520] AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Why do I bother!
Placebo, or some games get better colors?
New Features Added support for Dolby Vision for games.
Where can i check if it works? How it works? What games / software supported? Either placebo, or colors got better in Heaven Benchmark...? :stewpid:
I d been suffering the UAC "invisible" prompts since windows 10 release. Dont know if it s nvidia related, but it s annoying as h*ll. The other day did a clean install of windows 10 latest build and invisible UAC are still there. Cannot believe this isnt fixed.
Placebo, or some games get better colors? Where can i check if it works? How it works? What games / software supported? Either placebo, or colors got better in Heaven Benchmark...? :stewpid:
IF you have HDR monitor then yah other wise its just placebo, just supporting it isnt gona make color any better if there is no monitor that supports HDR Just like haveing a GPU/Driver/OS that supports HDR isnt gona make none HDR monitor look or have any better color that and you NEED content that uses it.
Placebo, or some games get better colors? Where can i check if it works? How it works? What games / software supported? Either placebo, or colors got better in Heaven Benchmark...? :stewpid:
ME Andromeda support it. You need a TV which support Dolby Vision though to check it.