Download MSI Afterburner 3.0.0 Beta 19

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Thank you, Beta 18 has worked flawlessly for me and this is a great program. Set it and forget it. You should think about 3.0 final, their is always 3.1. Regards
Hooray! Thanks OP & Alex! 😀
Thanks a lot!
Nice one, thanks.
thanks unwinder & MSI <3
Should have codenamed this: "At Whine's End". Thanks Unwinder!
Thank you Unwinder. Always much appreciated.
Thanks Alex, and thanks OP 🙂
This is great! But... When does it expire?
I'd seriously DO NOT recommend to fall into beta trial period discussion again. That's beta testing term, you won't be able to change it, accept it or leave and stop using AB.
Much appreciated
Thank you Unwinder for that great app and hope that one day you will be able to live without the stress that the Russian government impose to Ukraine. long live and prosper. :thumbup:
I'd seriously DO NOT recommend to fall into beta trial period discussion again. That's beta testing term, you won't be able to change it, accept it or leave and stop using AB.
We understand but beta 19, get real. We would need to go back 20 release if we do not want to get on the beta trend. Correct me if I am wrong, this is produced by MSI by paid employees. One would hope after beta 20 it is stable. Regards
Thank you Unwinder 🙂
We understand but beta 19, get real. We would need to go back 20 release if we do not want to get on the beta trend. Correct me if I am wrong, this is produced by MSI by paid employees. One would hope after beta 20 it is stable. Regards
I doubt that you really understand it, sorry, so please try to get real too do a bit of research on topic before giving suggestions. There are no any MSI employees working on AB. I'm not a company employee and have primary medical software/hardware programming related job and (surprise!) real life as well. MSI Afterburner is a single man project which doesn't assume constant fulltime work on it and most of the recent beta functionality additions (such as CPU and iGPU monitoring, video prerecording and hardware accelerated H264 encoding via QS, NVENC and VCE and many many more) are not even supposed to be inside AB and not paid by MSI, I simply like programming and add what I find interesting to implement for myself. So "we don't want to get on the beta trend" doesn't work. The only ways to go are: 1) Public beta testing of new features combined with active development as it is now 2) No active development of new features, no betas, versions are updated with minor changes to add support for new hardware only and nothing else. That's exactly how I update EVGA Precision now BTW. Active development of new things there was simply frozen due to unhappy user reports. There are no other ways. Absolutely. So I ask everyone once again to stop discussing beta versions or time limited betas. It is not productive at all, the only thing you can achieve is seeing AB development turning to the way 2 stated above.
Working smoothly.
Nice thank you! 🙂
Thank you for all your hard work.
I doubt that you really understand it, sorry, so please try to get real too do a bit of research on topic before giving suggestions. There are no any MSI employees working on AB. I'm not a company employee and have primary medical software/hardware programming related job and (surprise!) real life as well. MSI Afterburner is a single man project which doesn't assume constant fulltime work on it and most of the recent beta functionality additions (such as CPU and iGPU monitoring, video prerecording and hardware accelerated H264 encoding via QS, NVENC and VCE and many many more) are not even supposed to be inside AB and not paid by MSI, I simply like programming and add what I find interesting to implement for myself. So "we don't want to get on the beta trend" doesn't work. The only ways to go are: 1) Public beta testing of new features combined with active development as it is now 2) No active development of new features, no betas, versions are updated with minor changes to add support for new hardware only and nothing else. That's exactly how I update EVGA Precision now BTW. Active development of new things there was simply frozen due to unhappy user reports. There are no other ways. Absolutely. So I ask everyone once again to stop discussing beta versions or time limited betas. It is not productive at all, the only thing you can achieve is seeing AB development turning to the way 2 stated above.
Not to get technical, but it isn't black and white, you have a third option to open the source up and let others contribute. You've done an amazing job and it is a great product, but you don't have to take on this challenge yourself. There are others of us out there that are excellent software engineers that would love to contribute, as you, out of pure passion for doing so. You could still control the source and what features make it in, but you could free up a lot of your time doing the more trivial "option 2" parts and leaving that to others while you work on the more interesting "option 1" parts. Anyway, I'd really hope that any criticism doesn't cause you to just take the ball and go home. It just means that people are using your hard work, and opinions are like a$$holes - everyone's got one.
Registered to say thanks to you. I didn't understand how it worked at all either; in fact, I firmly believed you must/should be getting paid for this software development, beta or not.
Don't get it wrong way please, I get good income from the project in form of royalty fees for each copy of AB sold with MSI cards and per contract with company I'm obliged to add support for future MSI cards to the tool. Sometimes I also get some additional deals with the company if there is some new feature, which company finds useful and which requires additional development time resources, which I cannot allocate without hurting primary work time (64-bit RTSS for example). But official part of AB development ends at this point, so I do try to combine contract obligations (new MSI cards and voltage controllers support) with a hobby programming and add new features to the tool just because it makes fun to dig new technologies and so on. Most of functionality added in betas fits into this category.