Download: Guru3D RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server 7.3.0 Final

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I do like the FPS limiter feature but Im not 100% on how it works. I do know my monitor runs @ 60.002 fps.

I do like the FPS limiter feature but Im not 100% on how it works.
What do you mean?
Yeah, under general properties you can select a game like SOTTR.exe and to the right there is an frame rate limit and scanline sync. Putting in figures in a given way in those boxes can stop tearing and reduce latency with V sync disabled?

Yeah, under general properties you can select a game like SOTTR.exe and to the right there is an frame rate limit and scanline sync. Putting in figures in a given way in those boxes can stop tearing and reduce latency with V sync disabled?
Yeah, to avoid tearing without having to enable vsync you can just set the FPS limit to 0 and the scanline sync value to something like -100. There's nothing to it, really. The ssync value you use depends on where the tearline is. If it's still visible at the bottom of the screen, you increase the value a bit. If it's visible at the top of the screen, you lower it. You're trying to hide the tearline basically below the bottom of the screen. You can also use ssync in combination with normal vsync, btw. It has less input lag than stand-alone vsync. See:

Yeah, to avoid tearing without having to enable vsync you can just set the FPS limit to 0 and the scanline sync value to something like -100. There's nothing to it, really. The ssync value you use depends on where the tearline is. If it's still visible at the bottom of the screen, you increase the value a bit. If it's visible at the top of the screen, you lower it. You're trying to hide the tearline basically below the bottom of the screen. You can also use ssync in combination with normal vsync, btw. It has less input lag than stand-alone vsync. See:
Isnt it better to set fps limit to 60 for example and use freesync without having to enable vsync. It also removes the tearing and even less input lag.
fps limit breaks some games (some games refuse to start, they think it's a "hack" (and it is), and in others lowers overall performance vs no-fps limit but v-sync on, or fps limit from the game menu. nVidia already put fps limit in their drivers, so you can set it there too (same problems as I mentioned above, in certain games)

how about bring back OC for the non non-existant cards back?! Like Pascal cards for example. Should I give up on that hope and just install some older MSI AB?
RTSS never provided any form of OC, what are you talking about? If you mean OC scanner due to some odd reason, which is a part of MSI AB and not RTSS, then legacy OC scanner forcing ability was available in betas for months.
for some reason, guru3D claims Afterburner is theirs, so I am writing here. edit: I don't have an option to not install your RTSS utility, so yea, I guess it is yours in a way. And yes, I meant OC scanner. Of course I can manually oc, but it's not the same as messing with the boost tables on the driver level. I nver used beta AB versions, I probably would have If I knew about the OC scanner feature. Hell, I wouldn't even change the old one, it was working fine.. 😏My fault entirely I must admit.
For some reason this thread is about RTSS update.
I am going to delete those posts, sorry (for posting them).
Does this stop MSi Dragon Centre from overwriting/ interfering with the custom fan curve you set ?
No. And no, it doesn't make coffee.

No. And no, it doesn't make coffee.
😡 😡

Isnt it better to set fps limit to 60 for example and use freesync without having to enable vsync. It also removes the tearing and even less input lag.
Scanline sync is for people who don't have a freesync monitor.
Can core temp also be implemented like Aida64, hwinfo64? Im only interested in it for proper cpu frequency report, or it doesnt matter and hwinfo64 reports it as well? Rest is perfect with default HAL.

Scanline sync is for people who don't have a freesync monitor.
Oh i see. 🙂

Can core temp also be implemented like Aida64, hwinfo64? Im only interested in it for proper cpu frequency report, or it doesnt matter and hwinfo64 reports it as well? Rest is perfect with default HAL.
Yes, CoreTemp supports shared memory interface similar to HwInfo/AIDA, so it is easily possible to support it as one of data providers. But I cannot promise that I'll do it myself, that's not the application I normally use on any of my PCs. But OverlayEditor is open source plugin so anyone can extend the functionality.

fps limit breaks some games (some games refuse to start, they think it's a "hack" (and it is), and in others lowers overall performance vs no-fps limit but v-sync on, or fps limit from the game menu. nVidia already put fps limit in their drivers, so you can set it there too (same problems as I mentioned above, in certain games)
For troubled games like that you can always use the FPS Limiter from the Nvidia Control Panel, it's as good as RTSS.

For troubled games like that you can always use the FPS Limiter from the Nvidia Control Panel, it's as good as RTSS.
That's the one I used. Forza Horizon 4 wont start. I think Division 2 also had problems. Sorry folks, I really can't remember. I just remember turning it on and back off and setting fps limit in-game whenever possible, mainly to avoid v-sync kicking in and keeping g-sync active.