Download GeForce 320.00 BETA Driver

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international Build: 319_00-106
Woohoo. I'm new to Windows 8 so I take it I'm ok just to install over the top of my old drivers ? If (and I hope not) there are problems, what's the best way to uninstall ? Safe to use Driver with Windows 8 ?
Woohoo. I'm new to Windows 8 so I take it I'm ok just to install over the top of my old drivers ? If (and I hope not) there are problems, what's the best way to uninstall ? Safe to use Driver with Windows 8 ?
use custum install and click clean install best way be without troubels
US drivers: 64-bit 32-bit Sizes listed on the sites are wrong, but still smaller than international drivers in casse you want US/English only.
use custum install and click clean install best way be without troubels
I agree with this. Trying to fully clean the Windows 8 drivers is too much hassle and really not worth it. Custom install with the clean option ticked has worked fine for me so far. On uninstall I nowadays get a black screen, but if I wait a couple of minutes, it all comes back. Sometimes it looks like I need to press the Windows key to actually get stuff back, but once I'm passed that all works fine.
It's the same bug me and others had in 319.xx drivers. It doesn't happen without SGSSAA?
It has a vast number of weird "camos". Diamonds, golden (old, still ugly), lots of funky things like bacon or pink snakes... (really snakes, not what you thought).
With the Quadro driver people told me to make sure the desktop colour settings were on 'Use Nvidia settings' not 'Other applications control colour settings'. It does this because it's a Quadro driver. Normal Nvidia drivers don't do this apparently. This driver does it like the Quadro driver, which is weird. I did a clean install with the Nvidia option to clean install. It's selected 'Other applications control colour settings' as default not Nvidia settings. Even if you click 'default' top right of that screen. Other people getting this? If so I think it's wrong unless other people want to correct me. So I guess I should select 'Use Nvidia settings' for gaming right? Can someone please confirm this.
Off-Topic - Are those really diamonds on your gun? Did that game really sink to that level where it lets you put "bling" on your gun?
yeah what a lame joke, i lol'd when i saw someone with that.. when i said to him seriously diamonds and gold on a gun?! šŸ™„ Then he went you're noob bla bla, and i lol'd some more xD Anyway thanks for this driver, I hope they fixed BF3 SSAO + MSAA!
With the Quadro driver people told me to make sure the desktop colour settings were on 'Use Nvidia settings' not 'Other applications control colour settings'. It does this because it's a Quadro driver. Normal Nvidia drivers don't do this apparently. This driver does it like the Quadro driver, which is weird. I did a clean install with the Nvidia option to clean install. It's selected 'Other applications control colour settings' as default not Nvidia settings. Even if you click 'default' top right of that screen. Other people getting this? If so I think it's wrong unless other people want to correct me. So I guess I should select 'Use Nvidia settings' for gaming right?
Hey man, why dont you calibrate your monitor with windows native tools, define a color profile with you liking and leave the color handling by default in Nv CP? That way even when you reinstall drivers, you are always good
That is not the issue. The issue is what I wrote and I can't be bothered to repeat myself. I think you missed the point. Btw My monitor is calibrated already. Basically. I want to know which one to put it on as the latest Quadro thread people told me to put it on 'Nvidia settings'. Which one should it be on please people? EDIT:
had a black screen during the install. ive waited 5min just in case its still installing and restarted the computer (reset), win8 64bits. I got 320.00 anyway. First time...
These Beta Drivers gave my Titan better scores in both 3DmarkVantage and 3Dmark2013 Firestrike Xtreme. Even though no improvements were specifically mentioned for the GTXTitan in the changelog, benchmark tests are speaking for themselves. Driver is a nice improvement
Tomb raider and Geforce Titan problems : I have issues (Low Gpu usage) in outside area, and inside area runs great No problem with 314.22
Nice, nvidia spit on titan users, as usual (im not a amd fanboy) just people there days buy with blind eyes, they see only colored marketing.
These seem to work great with Tomb Raider. I just wish NVIDIA would include search filter box in the profiles, the show only installed programs setting is broken at best.