Debunking Lunar Landing Conspiracies with Maxwell and VXGI

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ehhh there was already proof it was shot in hangar 18 cool video thoe
+ they placed box mirrors that you can actually test with a laser and put fake expedition remainings that you can verify with a good telescope. Yeah, that's some quality conspiracy lol 😀
Last time man landed on the moon was 1972, guess the foods **** there.
Before we dive into religious topics, please do stop now 😀 Nonetheless, it's a pretty nice video.
Before we dive into religious topics, please do stop now 😀 Nonetheless, it's a pretty nice video.
Here's the religious topic from me: I believe in angels, something good in everything I see OT: even though we still can see that the original photo has more details on the moon surface compared to the rendered one, the similarity between them is mind blowing.
Didn't they go to the Moon to find the Transformers ship?
1st of all. Moon landing, people saw in TVs, was fake. Because it was pre-shot and another set of astronauts went to the moon. Therefore act of landing itself on Moon is real, credit for that just not given to right people. It is not even known if real landers survived their trip back to Earth due to exposure to high energy cosmic radiation against which you are still very well protected on lower orbit around Earth.
... Seriously?
Conspiracy nuts vs MURCA **** YA inc.
I have not said there was no landing, therefore there is something you can take photos of. But since I consider myself mad anyway, you can enlighten me on which part of what I wrote you actually answer.
Sorry, not wasting my time arguing against stupidity.
Why sky appears blue in Sun illumination and Sun appears yellow? science What is real Sun's color? It's a yellow dwarf. Sun's begin their life blue and over time turn yellow, then red, then collapse or dissipate if they come into contact with a strong enough gravity point, like a blackhole passing at near right-angles to the system. What color Moon has on Sky and why? Not sure what you mean What is Moon surface color? In no atmosphere it is grey, when it hits an atmosphere it can turn pretty dark. They know this because when they took their suits off, the moondust oxidized on contact and was pretty dark and grubby. It smelt like gunpower, they said. What is Moon surface color in "videos taken on surface of Moon"? No idea, but it would depend on the camera settings etc
I guess you don't think the moon landing is/was real, but if you have a telescope you can see that it was, unless of course that is an illusion/trick by someone.
I guess some members here have vision impairment, therefore I'll bold it extra for you. Edit: And I have not notice at 1st that you quoted me and made and answers there. Sorry, only answer remotely acceptable is "science", since it does not prove if you have clue or not. Even while your "Sun's begin their life blue ..." proves that you actually call stars in general "Sun" which is unique name for our star only.
The sun is white in space. What is your point? The idea that they filmed it on earth is dumb. The idea that they sent people there to land and filmed on Earth anyway is even dumber. It's like next generation dumb. The amount of people involved in a launch of that significance that would need to remain silent about covering it up is unimaginable. There are numerous people with both science and film backgrounds that said you couldn't possibly create that scene on earth during that time. There are space probes that have passed through the worst part of the van allen radiation belt and traveled for YEARS across space measuring radiation and shown that 5 days is negligible for humans, let alone the path the Apollo missions took through the weakest part of the belt. And yet still despite overwhelming amount of evidence there are people that think we either faked the moon landing or apparently, that we went there and faked it anyway -- as if that makes any sense what-so-ever.
If you spent incredible amount of resources and medialization to show that US is 1st and greatest. Would you take a chance, that your astronauts and national heroes will die to stick US flag to Moon's surface and bring few rocks and dust back?
Yes? Considering the first Apollo mission went up in flames and killed three people? What is a bigger embarrassment then your first planned mission killing everyone involved. And it's not like Apollo 11 was the first to orbit the moon, there were several missions before that. What happened to those people? They all die too? All those missions were faked? The film for those missions were all faked and covered up? Get real.
That Maxwell guy might have a hidden agenda though so i wouldn't trust his word as truth.
So, which you you warriors went to learn anything (and did) after reading my 5 questions? If none, then congrats, I feel utterly defeated. :infinity:
Half your questions were unreadable due to the broken English and I answered one of them and you never responded. I don't really get the purpose of any of them.
1st of all. Moon landing, people saw in TVs, was fake. Because it was pre-shot and another set of astronauts went to the moon. Therefore act of landing itself on Moon is real, credit for that just not given to right people. It is not even known if real landers survived their trip back to Earth due to exposure to high energy cosmic radiation against which you are still very well protected on lower orbit around Earth. And for some I give few nice to know answers to questions: Why sky appears blue in Sun illumination and Sun appears yellow? What is real Sun's color? What color Moon has on Sky and why? What is Moon surface color? What is Moon surface color in "videos taken on surface of Moon"?
You couldn't just pass by? You just had to reveal your kook colors /sigh It's all right to question anything. Just don't be surprised if you get ridiculed for questioning well established events, while at the same time taking for granted random internet crap. Its like... one hundred academics are yelling to you that the right answer is A, and one lone loonie is nudging you, telling you that the right answer is B. And you pick B :bang: Sure anything is possible, but what are the odds?
What chipset did they use to run the render on?
You can land on the sun.........but only at night.
If the "Soon to land" object would be the size of a small planet then yes, a part of it would manage to "land" before being vaporized.