Core i7 4820K processor review
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It's a bit disappointing but not unexpected, it was the same thing with 2600k - 3770k. I'm really looking forward towards haswell-e and beyond, it's about time that the industry pushes for raw performance again,
If a CPU can do twice as much for the same amount of time, its called a 100% increase.
CPU A - completes a test in 12.6 sec
CPU B - completes ( a test in 6.3 sec ) 2 tests in 12.6 = does twice as much for some amount of time = 100% increase.
Maybe that's easier for you to understand.
^Sure 6.3s is half of 12.6s, which is 50% less time. And that's the time 4960x needs to complete the test. Which means, It can complete twice as many ( 100% more ) tests in 12.6s. Making it twice as, or 100% faster than 8350. ( which can only complete a single test in 12.6s ).
Harry Lloyd
Pointless gaming tests. You should have tested the minimum framerates, because that is affected by CPU memory performance. Testing average framerates was completely pointless, it was obvious the results would be identical to similar CPUs.
Has anobody seen quad-channel gaming tests with minimum framerates?