Cooler Master SK621 Compact keyboard review
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Interesting keyboard with quite a lot of features packed into 60% frame.
However, there are several key problems here - afaik only switches on this one are MX red / speed silver. Soft linear switch in combination with low profile key will result in very frequent misclicks.
Additionally, cheap laser etched ABS will start shine after several months, followed by letters wearing out. Here's an example of a very common issue in all those "g@m3r" keyboards.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Slap on top of it non-standard layout and low profile cherry keys and you have a wonderful set of incompatibilities with a vast majority of 3rd party custom caps sets which can partially "fix" the above issues.
Nice keyboard, but I wouldn't use it myself.
150e for this , while i like how it looks , there's no way i for one will pay this price , max i would pay for it is 100e on a good day
Beside's that i really like it.
no PBT key caps, no chance.
I wish small keyboards would cost less than full sized ones but apparently not.
That's why I hate Sweden, here we pay overprice for everything "computer". The Ducky is 139€ here, noice.
Still looking for something the size of a Logitech Illuminated keyboard sans mechanical switching--the mechanical switches I've tried are all far too small for my hands to be useful. I actually find the Logitech quite nice, actually. The size is right and it's quiet. Anyone have experience with something similar, but different? Thx!
Neo Cyrus