China regulator Monitors DRAM and NAND Price Fixing
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Lol it only took them 18 months to realise DRAM prices had doubled
Unless someone does more than slap these companies on the wrist, they're going to keep doing this because demand is still high. As long as the demand doesn't drop, the prices will keep going up.
I sure am glad I got my 16GB back when it was just $75.
Wouldn't be the first time they did it or second or for that matter the third time. I think i see a pattern here guys, punishments must be sooo severe 😀:D:( that they been caught already several times in collusion, paid the fines and then couple years down the road done it again
writing was on the wall over a year ago to anyone paying attention. plenty of people here & elsewhere even called it before it began happening. then came reports of scaled back production due to plant issues, etc...the problem with the situation isnt even the facile reasoning manufacturers keep throwing out via PR channels in press releases that dont hold up to scrutiny...its that they know they can continue handing out flimsy excuses for raising prices, as any penalty incurred is outweighed by their padded profit margins.
meanwhile im less than surprised that china is investigating, as they churn out knockoff smartphones by the bushel & must be feeling a pinch by now. i am however disappointed that that is wat has instigated an investigation.
Whatever people think of the Chinese or even Russian governments, when they see something they don't like they crack down hard on it. No IF's or But's... So glad they are looking into this because the DRAM gouging is plain stupid considering the manufacturing process is less difficult than CPUs...
Neo Cyrus
The RAM industry was already charged for price fixing in the past. As have ATI/nVidia. Anyone who believes all these markets which are controlled by only a handful of companies at most don't collude must be incredibly naive.