CES 2021 Is Now Cancelled As Well, Some Digital Activities Will take Place

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Bound to happen and it will keep happen to such event, And I sure people will rage about cause they just dont get why it happen cause they dont want too
Just watch as all the large events in 2021 get cancelled as well. Maybe 2022 we get lucky enough for the primary waves to pass... but I wouldn't bet on that. Fast-spread respiratory diseases don't just vanish because we want them to. Humans need to change their thinking, their acting, and that can take many years... at the moment too many are stuck either in "Denial" phase or "Anger" phase, it will take a while until they switch to "Acceptance" phase and start acting on it. Eventually I expect everyone to wear face masks just like we wear pants and skirts. Eventually... not in 2020 or 2021.

Just watch as all the large events in 2021 get cancelled as well. Maybe 2022 we get lucky enough for the primary waves to pass... but I wouldn't bet on that. Fast-spread respiratory diseases don't just vanish because we want them to. Humans need to change their thinking, their acting, and that can take many years... at the moment too many are stuck either in "Denial" phase or "Anger" phase, it will take a while until they switch to "Acceptance" phase and start acting on it. Eventually I expect everyone to wear face masks just like we wear pants and skirts. Eventually... not in 2020 or 2021.
Dont forget the " i dont give a f**k and i`ll never get it" phase, still a lot of those around, a lot more young people hanging a round the parks huddled in groups with out a care or a clue that we still have a long way to go.
Wonder what New TV tech comes out it? I starting to look at new tv cause I believe me TCL s515 is on verge of failing on top the possible failing MB i have. Such a great year.
The Goose:

Dont forget the " i dont give a f**k and i`ll never get it" phase, still a lot of those around, a lot more young people hanging a round the parks huddled in groups with out a care or a clue that we still have a long way to go.
Yes, because people have lives to live, people to meet and babies to make. Sitting in the basement with a mask on, while "working" from home is not the future of humanity.

Sitting in the basement with a mask on, while "working" from home is not the future of humanity.
And dying and/or killing your elderly is ? It's mind boggling that so many people are unable to grasp this simple concept: The sooner ALL of us get some discipline and stop the spread, the sooner we can get back to our "normal" lives of meeting people, partying, shoving booze and drugs into ourselves and making useless babies. The longer people resist this discipline the longer it will take to get back to the known "normality".
Oh well, now that this has been canned for the year, maybe some of those companies can release there hardware early. I know I'm hanging out for a GPU upgrade.
That's a shame. I hope they still show off the goods on youtube at least

Elderly and sick should watch themselves, wear a mask etc. Young people are very rarely affected. You think sitting and home and wearing a mask will stop this virus? cold/flu viruses have been among people since the beginning and we are still here. Regular flu kills hundreds of thousands yearly, mostly elderly and nobody cared so far.
You got it a bit backwards: 1. Wearing a mask doesn't hardly do anything at all at protecting the wearer. Wearing a mask is to prevent others from getting infected. 2. The less you interact with public spaces, the less likely you are to spread the virus. So yes, staying home does actually help. The virus is only able to spread if you give it another host. If you are unnecessarily interacting where other people go and don't take proper precautions, you are greatly increasing the chances of it spreading. 3. Coronavirus isn't scary because of its mortality rate. The problem is that it's highly contagious and has a long incubation period. You could have the disease for days, even weeks, and unknowingly spread it without symptoms. 4. Except or certain parts of Asia, nobody wears masks when they're sick, and a lot don't stay home either. So yeah, of course colds and flus stick around, because up until recently, people have been pretty inconsiderate about such things.
I would just urge caution re: younger people not getting it. One of the main future worries about coronavirus are its parallels with Spanish Flu about 100 years ago which in the second wave killed lots of otherwise young and fit adults. We also know that under 50, those you do need to go to hospital, approx 10% will end up needing ventilatory support or intensive care, which is a big proportion. So far more than double the number of annual influenza deaths from coronavirus in USA and rapidly increasing, and you still have half the year left and not out of first wave yet. Illnesses exist as long as their are vectors for them to exist in. Staying home and not creating more infections is definitely part of the solution. Also acquired immunity from infection is currently not a thing, as most people appear to be losing their antibodies after a couple of months. Be safe people. Going virtual and distance work for now, despite its limitations, is probably amongst the best things we could be doing.
SCAM-19, when will you sheeple wake up? The only "spread" here is made by panicked minds like most of you. Spanish flu ? parallels ? boggles the mind :s
Good. I wont miss it. More like Cesspit. 🙂
It's hardly worse than seasonal flu, but everything is shut down. Eventually having everything closed down is going to cause far more death and suffering than unchecked virus would ever be able to do. It's not only CES or these big events, basically all conferences are canceled or are virtual, which is less than ideal to put it mildly. Hope there will not be some push to make it a permanent thing, as the conferences basically lose most of its value when they are just virtual event.

And dying and/or killing your elderly is ? It's mind boggling that so many people are unable to grasp this simple concept: The sooner ALL of us get some discipline and stop the spread, the sooner we can get back to our "normal" lives of meeting people, partying, shoving booze and drugs into ourselves and making useless babies. The longer people resist this discipline the longer it will take to get back to the known "normality".
Yeah, no. Who decides it is safe to go back to normal ? Who will decide that a new CES will be ok to go ? the WHO and the chinese communist party 🙄 PS: remember a few years ago when a bunch of youtubers got the flu at a similar convention ?
The corner where they sell tinfoil hats is that way ------->

It's hardly worse than seasonal flu, but everything is shut down. Eventually having everything closed down is going to cause far more death and suffering than unchecked virus would ever be able to do. It's not only CES or these big events, basically all conferences are canceled or are virtual, which is less than ideal to put it mildly. Hope there will not be some push to make it a permanent thing, as the conferences basically lose most of its value when they are just virtual event.
No it won't - there is no evidence that shutting down a country increases death and/or suffering as long as you have a functioning first-world government that actually understands the need for social safety-nets. In fact fatal automotive/work related accidents are already down massively for this year and preliminary studies on the reduction of pollution output shows tons of other lives saved. Further the idea that it's "hardly worse than seasonal flu" is probably the dumbest thing I've ever read. I don't understand what the people that say this are basing their information on. For the past few decades, in the US, the worst seasonal flu's killed between 60,000 - 80,000 people. This has killed 150,000 people, in half the time, and that's with a massive mitigation effort put in place. Further in pretty much every state non-covid pneumonia related deaths are up 200% half way through the year - which means the number of COVID deaths is most likely under-represented. That's on top of the fact that other, non-covid related emergencies could have resulted in more deaths as hospitals were overwhelmed with COVID patients. There is no reality where what you're saying is true. You can't explain what you're saying without basing it on your feelings because the numbers from basically every first world country doesn't match what you're saying.

Yeah, no. Who decides it is safe to go back to normal ? Who will decide that a new CES will be ok to go ? the WHO and the chinese communist party 🙄 PS: remember a few years ago when a bunch of youtubers got the flu at a similar convention ?
Individual governments? This isn't the first time there has been a disease that required temporary change, only to have life return to normal afterward. Internally some countries that manged to handle the virus already returned to normal, sans basic practices like wearing masks, attempting to distance when possible. Once a vaccine arrives most countries will probably return to normal entirely.
@Denial Very well said.

SCAM-19, when will you sheeple wake up? The only "spread" here is made by panicked minds like most of you. Spanish flu ? parallels ? boggles the mind :s
Ah yes, you're totally right - for once, every country's government decided to agree on one thing: make up a disease that totally doesn't exist, see who can cripple their economies the fastest, and get the largest percentage of people angry and hopeless! The politicians running the countries in the worst shape possible will get a gold star sticker, because why else would they be doing this? Oh yeah, and did you know the moon landing was a hoax, because the Earth is flat and our reptilian overlords try to mind control us with vaccines? Crazy, isn't it? No - I'm not crazy, you are! Shut up! I'm not crazy! *gollum, gollum*
affliction wise, sure its no worse than the flu, most deaths are secondary infection after the rona's already assimilated your antibodies. where it differs is the time it takes to start displaying symptoms vs how long you're actually contagious, flu comes on fast and outbreaks of one genetic variation fade out just as fast..

No it won't - there is no evidence that shutting down a country increases death and/or suffering as long as you have a functioning first-world government that actually understands the need for social safety-nets. In fact fatal automotive/work related accidents are already down massively for this year and preliminary studies on the reduction of pollution output shows tons of other lives saved. Further the idea that it's "hardly worse than seasonal flu" is probably the dumbest thing I've ever read. I don't understand what the people that say this are basing their information on. For the past few decades, in the US, the worst seasonal flu's killed between 60,000 - 80,000 people. This has killed 150,000 people, in half the time, and that's with a massive mitigation effort put in place. Further in pretty much every state non-covid pneumonia related deaths are up 200% half way through the year - which means the number of COVID deaths is most likely under-represented. That's on top of the fact that other, non-covid related emergencies could have resulted in more deaths as hospitals were overwhelmed with COVID patients. There is no reality where what you're saying is true. You can't explain what you're saying without basing it on your feelings because the numbers from basically every first world country doesn't match what you're saying.
You have small businesses closing down and people who aren't going to be able to work, pay rent, pay for electricity or buy food. Social nets are fine, but the government gets money from people working and if no one works, how do you pay for all those things ? Same with healthcare. Where I live a seasonal flu kill 2000 people each year without us using any restrictions, this one killed ~350 this year with most of the country shut down. That's why I don't see the point or care about further restrictions. I would also question the reported 150k deaths, we too had over 1200 dead until review found that anyone dying with covid was just counted as dying from covid, which is absurd. E.g. 94 year old grandpa with cancer, diabetes and after several infarcts got covid. Once he died, he is now counted as the victim of covid.

Astral Sex sounds fun 😛 Can't stop laughing.