Atari VCS Hardware Specs Revealed

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I like it. However, won't pre-order it. The release should be in Q1 2019, reviews will follow. But it looks promising and style is very unique to anything we have on the market right now.
Kind of disappointing to see it not use Vega or Zen at least, but for the price point it's not a bad deal. More or less though I don't think we will see any major games on it...Maybe some of the indie teams that target Switch and mobile gaming. Now the fun thing with this, is depending on what EFI chip is being used the bootloader could be unlocked to install any OS on it...
And i thought the Nintendo mini's were priced insane, i mean the Atari vault that will no doubt be on this thing will cost you £7 on steam right now, and i am all for nostalgia but damn those prices.
It's cool but i can play nearly all those old games through Mameui64 for FREE. The old style controller is cool also but not really needed if you have a PS3/4 or XB360/One pad. If i was rich i'd prolly get one just for the shitsandgiggles but i'm not so Mame it is then.

It's cool but i can play nearly all those old games through Mameui64 for FREE. The old style controller is cool also but not really needed if you have a PS3/4 or XB360/One pad. If i was rich i'd prolly get one just for the shitsandgiggles but i'm not so Mame it is then.
True, but emulating that sort of way is not always the legal route.

And i thought the Nintendo mini's were priced insane, i mean the Atari vault that will no doubt be on this thing will cost you £7 on steam right now, and i am all for nostalgia but damn those prices.
The difference between this and the Classic releases from Nintendo is the Classic consoles cannot be expanded in any way, the games you get with a SNES Classic are the games you get. You can't add more or buy more for it. The VCS can be developed for, and used for more than just retro games. Good news though for Atari.
If thats a wooden case, a Vega would set it alight 😀
what console in history ever sold console with it controllers?, i thought this thing was gona loaded with atari classics? what does need that kind of power for, please tell me this isnt ment to be atari geting back in console business?

what console in history ever sold console with it controllers?, i thought this thing was gona loaded with atari classics? what does need that kind of power for, please tell me this isnt ment to be atari geting back in console business?
From my understanding of it all it's going to have the classics and new games as well.

For only $199 I personally think it’s a very nice device. Having normal desktop hardware, makes the possibilities endless as to how you can customize the software to your liking. This will be a great little device for a htpc.
I was thinking the same, for $200 it's not too bad all things considered.
Just the idea alone that Atari (aka Infogrames) needs crowdfunding...

Actually it is EXTREMELY easy to add games to a NES mini or SNES mini. All you need is a standard Android USB charging cable and HakChi. As to the legality of it, well depends on whether you own the carts or not, just like with emulators...
True, but this is not a common thing most people will do, or even know how to do.

Just the idea alone that Atari (aka Infogrames) needs crowdfunding...
Maybe not need the money via crowdfunding, but it takes financial preasure off of them. No interests to pay off of that money, and you get it before even doing anything without needing appointments at the banks and loan sharks etc. From a financial point of view it's better than take a bank loan.
It's pre-ordering gone mad i tell you. lol