Assassin's Creed Unity PC specs released

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I am satisfied from their games' optimizations combined with Nvidia(+sli), idk about you... maybe we see a common situation like we have used to these past months,games releashed and some weeks after patches/newer drivers will least Ubi is one of the companies that listen gamers' feedback and always patch them(or they try with most of the times success), we have to respect that.
The min specs are awfully close to the rec ones. Not to mention the FX 8350 is in They're fishy to say the least. Either this game handles threads really well, or its a mess in terms of optimization. *sigh*
This is iether very poor port or AC has come a very long way in a short period
Remeber Next-Gen, so 8GB RAM + Lot of vRAM ;-) + min 6 cores (cuz in consoles 2-3 are reserved) + Sound Card -> and it will be playable 😀
The specs are too high considering that, the cores on the consoles APU aren't that fast. They're asking for like, triple the processing power for both the CPU + GPU on PC. Makes no sense. Fact is, only a small percentage of the gaming community has such high specs, so well see if it's bad optimization, or just exaggerated recommended specs. Or it's the new Crysis, which I doubt.
Ubisoft apparently just completely pulled the plug for everything pc. First 30fps and now this bullcrap. Seriously **** them.
Minimum: Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or better Are they nuts? They make a game with minimum specs satisfied by like 5% of gaming rigs or less?
On the cpu side i think the 2500k is fair but now way are the majority of people going to have gtx 680
Is it me or are those specs a little high? I mean I'm actually one of those in favour of really taking advantage of PC hardware so in a way, I like to see high specs. But I don't want it to be at the expense of those with less - I want software that can run on low but really scales up to take advantage of high-end hardware where available. This seems a little on the high-side all round if those are minimums.
Another explanation is a lousy port performance history, resulting in refund requests, which they want to avoid by skyrocketing minimum requirements.
UBISOFT games were always about crap optimization and a big F in PC gamers... they should stopped doing pc games, seriously everyone hates them.
UBISOFT games were always about crap optimization and a big F in PC gamers... they should stopped doing pc games, seriously everyone hates them.
True but i was hoping Division will turn out good, another Ubisoft fail.
Now with these specs this should be the prettiest game EVER. No contest. These specs are rather erm on high side. Pretty much recommended is highest end gpus people might have counting our new maxwells. Ubisoft was lazy with watch doge so I guess they are lazy with this too but they remember to write it in the recommended specs.
This is looking more and more like yet another hack job by ubi. Wouldn't be surprised if this runs ****tier then Datch_Wogs. Maybe this whole sony/ms forcing devs to gimp the pc releases has a basis after all
On the cpu side i think the 2500k is fair but now way are the majority of people going to have gtx 680
Fair? K series are for enthusiasts. (overclockers) They literally made their minimum requirements for Intel an enthusiast level cpu. You just have to lol. I just noticed now they also listed a Phenom x4 940. It's like they just chose a random top CPU and GPU from different generations and posted them as requirements. Does Ubisoft employs monkeys?
Well a quad at 3.3ghz ide say is fair being K series or not makes no difference.
Fair? K series are for enthusiasts. (overclockers) They literally made their minimum requirements for Intel an enthusiast level cpu. You just have to lol. I just noticed now they also listed a Phenom x4 940. It's like they just chose a random top CPU and GPU from different generations and posted them as requirements. Does Ubisoft employs monkeys?
May be there was a rise of the planet of apes in one of the labs of Ubisofts 'minimum specs' department.
Nicolas Guerin: “At Ubisoft for a long time we wanted to push 60 fps. I don’t think it was a good idea because you don’t gain that much from 60 fps and it doesn’t look like the real thing. It’s a bit like The Hobbit movie, it looked really weird. “And in other games it’s the same – like the Rachet and Clank series [where it was dropped]. So I think collectively in the video game industry we’re dropping that standard because it’s hard to achieve, it’s twice as hard as 30fps, and its not really that great in terms of rendering quality of the picture and the image.”
Yea thats the formal way to say "we stick to 30 fps because sony and microsoft won't stop bullying us if we do otherwise." It's like Ubisoft is trying really hard to be hated, with great success so far.
Who cares? Peoples are going to pirate this game like crazy, no big deal. UBIcrap will never learn.
Well of course MS released games at over 30 fps doh, but that doesn't mean the Xbone can render all future games at that "luxury" FPS,its already outdated. And they know that , thats why the pressure to cap all ubi games at 30. And im sure they won't stop with ubisoft, they'll try to get their finger up others a** as well. The evidence isn't from reddit only, its coming from other ubisoft employees as well.
Where is this evidence from other Ubisoft employees,.
Not out in the open thats where.
Not out in the open thats where.
Yeah so basically no where -- k.