An overview of Ubisofts downgraded games (video)

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Should we start a small competition between us, a free humble bundle to the person who guesses the correct amount of pre-filmed games reveals that come up with the words "game are still in development and are subject to change. Go on, i will stump up for the humble bumble, don't say i don't put out. ha Go on stick you name down and leave a number.
graphics are overrated - as long as gameplay is good, i dont care much ^^
That is not the point. Point is Ubisoft is advertising their products in a way that gives people false expectations. And it goes far beyond the graphical aspect.
Funny how all of this could be solved just by using the tag: Target Quality on the videos, because that's what they obviously are.
Difference is so damn f***g huge.I think they are comparing console vs pc in video.Otherwise it cant be that much of downgraded. And how they got the gameplay footage of E3 they wont show long gameplays footage at E3.they just show trailers.
BUT WHY??! Someone explain the logic behind the deceptive work ethic? If it already looks one way, WTF go through all the work to downgrade?? lol..
I honestly don't really mind the loss in fidelity that much... it's the reduction in atmosphere using little details that get me. Seriously, the The Division trailer looked so much more "scary" and dark.
It's obvious to me that they code/make these games on really high end machines, target the best possible graphics they can do @30 fps and then work backwards until that game works on low end PCs. That's diversity in the PC market for you. If we all had the same machine then i don't think this would happen so often. It's almost criminal if you ask me, people are not getting what they see on the box/ads. It's very close to false advertising and will in the long run push people into not trusting the Devs/Company. And they wonder why people pirate their stuff. If we can't trust our very own eyes and have to have faith in a company like Ubi then i'm afraid that's what makes it easy for them to fool people into buying this nerfed content. Only early adopters are the ones conned by this, giving money for a chance at early access and shiny trinkets and seeing an amazing level of detail in alphas/betas, contracted by an NDA to never speak of the game and then a realization that the final release is totally different to the game that people will be getting. Ubi is guilty of this on a huge scale but they all do it. What do you want, a polished turd that doesn't work very well or a turd that's unpolished but works. This is Ubi's stance on this. ^^
last Ubisoft game I bought as AC2, ubisoft dont make any games I like, but companies tend to show things at e3 look worlds better then what we actual get. Killzone 3 come to mind. it just ubisoft had the most broken game at launch AC unity, which was upstaged by the recent batman game... which is apparently to broke to be fix?
Even if I don't like it, I've just grown to accept it. MS and Sony love this kind of thing for a game that is "coming soon." Everyone wins. You'd better believe they're telling UBI to back off of a vastly superior PC version when it comes down to brass tacks, though. I tend to believe that Watch_Dogs very well could have and probably did look/run like that demo at least for a little while. That's when they discovered that the PS4 and Xbox One likely pulled 10 FPS looking like that. Do graphics matter? Sure. If they didn't, we might as well all rock hardware from a decade ago. Games were fun back then, right? Why bother with newer consoles and PC hardware if gameplay is all that matters? Not everything needs to push the bleeding edge, but if graphics/realism are your selling point - they'd better be good.
Agree. Optimization is crucial. It's almost kinda wizardry that they can cram that much content on the screen whatever downgraded the end product looks like. I'll bet that with the optional fidelity of those demos on full scale, the game would just take way too much space and would not work even on the highest, most ridiculous rigs.
Agree but then stop showing gameplay scenes at does settings. That is false advertising. Watch Dogs, when i first saw it, was mind-blowing, but as time passed they removed more and more and it became dull. Same happened to Witcher 3 and a lot of nowadays games. What i don't understand is why they remove completely the features, most of them can be left there to be enabled by users with high-end rigs. And if the size it's what bother some, they can release the features as a patch to be downloaded afterwards.
Consoles inferior hw hold back pc games looks, there nothing new about it been know for over 2 decades if not more, some people refuse believe this but it is true, IF they made PC verison of game look and run the way they could, the Console version which where there money off no one would buy consoles or the games. Stock holders say "Why does the PC version look and run like this and console version look and run worse?? downgrade the pc version so most people cant tell difference between pc and console version we dont give crap what pc version looks like or runs we only care about console version sales." now that probably not what is outright said but it basicly what is happening, Other then fact Q/A is thing of past, game release broke and unchecked awith day one patch that are huge.. If i remeber correctly Unity for XBone patch to fix the game, was pretty much the same size as original digital download.. that is not patch that whole new game. patchs should never be the same size as original digital download let alone anywere near it.
This dramatic downgrades are just because of consoles. PCs could probably run E3 games, but consoles can't, not even in a dream. So to protect console market witch is big they downgrade PC versions too, so the console fans wouldn't complain about the epic difference. Today we would have much, much better graphics in games if it weren't for consoles witch are suffocating graphic's progress on PCs.
The sad truth. I once saw Skyrim on a friends PS4. I was like what the heck is this?? Coming from playing this on a PC with 3 screens at 5760x1080 with mods and everything maxed on a good video card it looked amazingly bad in comparison. So much so I almost didn't recognize it.
Piracy leads to less or no ROI for developers. This leads them console-only development so they can make money. Thus we get ports, and really dont have much room to complain aside from the really lazy ones (looking at you AK). I personally like having console games on PC. I miss the PC exclusives, but accept that until something like UWP becomes a success, they will remain a relic.
Yes the differences are interesting between during development and the final product. Will let that one sentence stand on its own. How does an architectural firm pitch a design for a building? Are there not drawings and / or models made up. That is what the pitch is, the firm's interpretation of what the client wants to see. I see nothing different here. During the construction phase, there are change orders submitted all the time. There are tradeoffs with reality and the conceptual interpretation of what's desired. Same with the game. Why were the "downgrades" made? What were the tradeoffs? To achieve the kind of graphical fidelity in the trailers would be too costly to achieve; even today. Overall I see nothing different than what has been industry standard for decades; trailer and final product look nothing alike. Now, if what was being compared to was actual game play that was not pre-rendered and shown as a film, then there is monkey business going on. Otherwise it is the same old game, marketing vs reality (final product). Nothing but smoke and mirrors as it has always been.
It's not just graphical effects that have been downgraded, it's also gameplay.
Consoles inferior hw hold back pc games looks, there nothing new about it been know for over 2 decades if not more, some people refuse believe this but it is true, IF they made PC verison of game look and run the way they could, the Console version which where there money off no one would buy consoles or the games. Stock holders say "Why does the PC version look and run like this and console version look and run worse?? downgrade the pc version so most people cant tell difference between pc and console version we dont give crap what pc version looks like or runs we only care about console version sales." now that probably not what is outright said but it basicly what is happening, Other then fact Q/A is thing of past, game release broke and unchecked awith day one patch that are huge.. If i remeber correctly Unity for XBone patch to fix the game, was pretty much the same size as original digital download.. that is not patch that whole new game. patchs should never be the same size as original digital download let alone anywere near it.
Precisely this. The sad sad truth we all know.
This is why we don't preorder games.
This is why we don't buy games via pre-order, or AT ALL. When will people wake up and stop throwing good money at developers and publishers that are releasing the lowest effort product for the higher price? Exception to this rule: I am happy to admit that I pre-ordered Witcher 3 and paid full price for it! I never pre-order games, but this one I was happy to because I know that CDPR care about the games they make, and they've proven it again and again. Hell, I'd have paid over again for the season pass alone! This is the only time anyone should pre-order a game imo.. if you know and trust the developer. If they mess up, next time be more cautious or reconsider. in the case of companies like Activision, Ubisoft, EA.. these are companies that have been releasing sub-par products for years now.. and yet people still are willing to buy their products. And by buying their products, you are supporting their actions! All that gamers would need to do is just boycott a game.. just one game. If everyone collectively came together and boycotted one game from Ubi, or Activision, or whoever, it would hit that company so hard that it would electo-shock them back into the reality that gamers can't be taken advantage of, and that their negligence, high pricing, pathetic support and dlc etc will not be tolerated. It really comes down to all of us and whether or not we support what they release. So long as people will fall for the hype and drop full price for games not even worth half what they are being sold for, it will continue.
Boggles my mind why they would release an inferior version of the game...
Consoles inferior hw hold back pc games looks, there nothing new about it been know for over 2 decades if not more, some people refuse believe this but it is true, IF they made PC verison of game look and run the way they could, the Console version which where there money off no one would buy consoles or the games. Stock holders say "Why does the PC version look and run like this and console version look and run worse?? downgrade the pc version so most people cant tell difference between pc and console version we dont give crap what pc version looks like or runs we only care about console version sales." now that probably not what is outright said but it basicly what is happening, Other then fact Q/A is thing of past, game release broke and unchecked awith day one patch that are huge.. If i remeber correctly Unity for XBone patch to fix the game, was pretty much the same size as original digital download.. that is not patch that whole new game. patchs should never be the same size as original digital download let alone anywere near it.
pretty much... I remember games like nfs most wanted back in 2005 looked like a totally different game on console, the differences were insane, people wouldn't believe me I was running the same game