AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2970WX review

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Thank you HH. 🙂
Great review, HH!
Excellent review.
Seems the Windows scheduler scales things a bit more evenly than the Linux one. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. On Linux, the 2970WX performs much closer to the 2990WX than the 2950X, for what I assume to be a bottleneck in the InfinityFabric (where the 2970WX is less demanding, and therefore its cores are less bottlenecked).
With the last paragraph, you said AMD pulled a rabbit from it's "head" did you mean "hat" ? Anyway awesome review and thanks.
[Quote]Why not play game, eh? So here are the two problems with a 24-core processor / 48-thread processor versus gaming. As such, AMD created a pretty cool feature. Basically, they designed the proc to be run in Creator and Game modes.[/Quote] Small correction here Hilbert but I think you never elaborate on what those 2 issues were. Like a sentence got deleted or something.
I know for gaming it's way overkill, but my lord it is pretty to had all them logical cores!
Awesome review, Its good to see the Dynamic mode offering some good performance in 3dmark without enabling gaming mode, Do you happen to have the version of AMD Ryzen master with dynamic mode available?
Great review Boss , well done , thanks.
Are you planning to re-bench the 2990wx with dynamic local? the Timespy results doesn't suggest you did.
That is some GODLY cpu power! To bad I don't do anything that would ever use that power... But it is time to buy AMD stock...

With the last paragraph, you said AMD pulled a rabbit from it's "head" did you mean "hat" ? Anyway awesome review and thanks.
Come on, everyone pulls a rabbit out of his head every now and then, eh?...;)