AMD RDNA 2 and GeForce RTX Architecture to Support DirectX 12 Ultimate

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Are the rumors surrounding Sony PS5 architecture being developed in conjunction with AMD, and therefore not being the same as MS true, and; they use the new DX12U?
It's not about visual quality upgrades, it's about performance. It's only about performance since DirectX 11.
Performance is visual quality.

No, it's also about pushing visuals closer to realism. Are you saying graphics hit their peek with DX 11?
Outside performance, visual quality is left to assets artists. Everything else is meant for performance. Yes, we have HDR swap-chain support since a couple of DXGI versions ago, but nothing more.
- Tier 1_1 of DXR is meant for improving performance with DirectX Raytracing API in some strict scenarios. - VRS is meant for performance to not invoke shaders when not needed (sort of) - Mesh Shader Stage - and Amplification Shader Stage - are meant for performance replacing a baroque and sometime inadequate geometry pipeline with a flexibility like compute shaders. But if I understand it correctly they do not work with stream-output stage, so they are not replacing the old geometry pipeline at 100%. - Sampler feedback is meant for performance improving better using of sampling on texture maps. Nothing of these will improve or create more realistic graphics like magic. Biggest delusion: still no ASTC support (although was planned in the early versions of DirectX 12).
death to baked shadows!
The issue with modern PC gaming is that whether it's DX or Vulkan, you're more dependent on the GPU driver team to optimize.
there is no point to relying on driver devs to fix dx12 or vulkan performance.

there is no point to relying on driver devs to fix dx12 or vulkan performance.
I'm sure there's still room for driver teams to optimize game performance with dx12 and vulkan.

I'm sure there's still room for driver teams to optimize game performance with dx12 and vulkan.
Could you please make an example outside how to read a PSO by every single architecture?

I'm sure there's still room for driver teams to optimize game performance with dx12 and vulkan.
When used right, either API ships agnostic shaders to compile to native gpu code and thats all AMD, Nvidia or Intel can really do for optimisation.