AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition 18.1.1 Driver download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 474 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Vote guys....New stuff coming!!! 😉 Updated:
Can't say any of those things make me want to vote, thing I'd vote for is better stability and speed of switching between computing/gaming although realise the amount of people like myself that both mine and game are probably a minority.
Just hard my 3rd PC lockup simply because I'm enabling or disabling crossfire, bloody annoying, going back to the previous drivers to see if it stops.
no Crossfire. How to enable it? Windows 10 pro 64 2 X AMD HD7970

But the Topic name claims that it is WHQL, when it's not. Cheers
DXDiag says it is

But the Topic name claims that it is WHQL, when it's not.
o_O These are WHQL certified.
^^ Shellar ^^ Here's my Setup. I have Max target at 70FPS/Hz for Freesync [spoiler] Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\AMDAnalytics] "AnalyticsAccepted"="false" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\Chill] "ChillLevelDefault"=dword:00000002 "LoadingScreenDrawsThreshDefault_DXC"=dword:000000c8 "LoadingScreenDrawsThreshDefault_DXX"=dword:00000096 "LoadingScreenDrawsThreshDefault_MTL"=dword:000000c8 "LoadingScreenDrawsThreshDefault_OGL"=dword:00000064 "LoadingScreenDrawsThreshDefault_UDX"=dword:00000064 "LoadingScreenDrawsThreshDefault_VUL"=dword:000000c8 "MaxFramerateDefault"=dword:00000046 "MinFramerateDefault"=dword:00000040 "MaxFramerateRange"=dword:00000064 "MinFramerateRange"=dword:0000001c "ProfileEnableDefault"=dword:00000000 "ToggleKey"=dword:0000007a "CONTR_LOOK_EVENT_ALPHA"="16" "CONTR_WALK_EVENT_ALPHA"="32" "DIR_CHANGE_EVENT_ALPHA"="16" "DIR_CHANGE_HOLD_TIME_DIV"="125" "FAST_MOUSE_MOTION"="20" "IDLE_FRAMERATE"="30" "KEY_HELD_EVENT_ALPHA"="32" "KEY_HELD_SLEEP_COEFF"="128" "KEY_PRESSED_EVENT_ALPHA"="8" "LOADINGS_CREEN_DRAWS_THRESH"="150" "MOTION_START_TIMEOUT_DIVIDER"="20" "MOUSE_SPEED_ESTIMATION_OPT"="0" "NUM_DIR_CHANGE_HOLD_FRAMES"="0" "NUM_MOUSE_SPEED_SAMPLES"="16" "SPEED_TAIL_EVENT_ALPHA"="16" "GlobalEnable"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN] "UA_Enabled"=dword:00000001 "InstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\AMD\\CNext\\CNext\\" "Benchmark"="false" "PreloadDelay"=dword:0000012c "UnloadDelay"=dword:0000012c "MemorySizeTreshold"=dword:000000c8 "color_mapping_runtime_component_NA"="true" "CNBrandingInstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\AMD\\CNext\\CNBranding\\" "StageTen_hide"="false" "AllowPartners"="true" "HideDisplayColor"="false" "mobile_runtime_component_NA"="false" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\ANALYTICS] "AnalyticsUploadDays"="7" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\Performance] "RecordOutputPath"="" "HideMetricswhileRecordingMetrics"=dword:00000001 "MetricsUIStyle"=dword:00000001 "ShowMetricsOnDVRRecording"=dword:00000001 "RecordFPS"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUUsage"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUSystemClocks"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUMemoryClocks"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUTemperature"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUPower"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUFanSpeed"=dword:00000001 "RecordCPUUsage"=dword:00000001 "RecordGPUVRAM"=dword:00000001 "RecordSystemRAM"=dword:00000001 "RecordInterval"=dword:00000002 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\Skins] "CurrentSkin"="Default" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\Skins\Blue] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\Skins\Default] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\Skins\Red] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\Skins\Yellow] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\CN\SupportedLanguages] "en_US"="English" "cs"="Ceština" "da_DK"="Dansk" "de"="Deutsch" "el_GR"="????????" "es_ES"="Español" "fi_FI"="Suomi" "fr_FR"="Français" "hu_HU"="Magyar" "it_IT"="Italiano" "ja"="???" "ko_KR"="???" "nl_NL"="Nederlands" "no"="Norsk" "pl"="Polski" "pt_BR"="Português" "ru_RU"="???????" "sv_SE"="Svenska" "th"="???" "tr_TR"="Türkçe" "zh_CN"="??(??)" "zh_TW"="??(??)" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\DVR] "ToggleDvrToolbarHotkey"="Alt,Z" "ToggleDvrRecordingHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,R" "ToggleStreamingHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,G" "ToggleCameraHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,C" "ToggleMicrophoneHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,M" "TakeScreenshotHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,E" "SaveInstantReplayHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,S" "InstantReplayEnabled"=dword:00000000 "InstantReplayDuration"=dword:0000003c "DesktopRecordingEnabled"=dword:00000000 "DvrEnabled"=dword:00000000 "FileLowFrameRate"=dword:0000003c "FileMediumFrameRate"=dword:0000003c "FileHighFrameRate"=dword:0000003c "WebLowFrameRate"=dword:0000001e "WebMediumFrameRate"=dword:0000003c "WebHighFrameRate"=dword:0000003c "WebSuperHighFrameRate"=dword:0000003c "FileLowResolution"="720" "FileMediumResolution"="InGame" "FileHighResolution"="InGame" "WebLowResolution"="720" "WebMediumResolution"="720" "WebHighResolution"="720" "WebSuperHighResolution"="1080" "FileLowBitrate"=dword:00001388 "FileMediumBitrate"=dword:00002710 "FileHighBitrate"=dword:00007530 "WebLowBitrate"=dword:000005dc "WebMediumBitrate"=dword:000009c4 "WebHighBitrate"=dword:00000dac "WebSuperHighBitrate"=dword:00001770 "UserProfileFile"="High" "UserProfileWeb"="High" "CameraEnabled"=dword:00000000 "CameraName"="" "CameraSize"=dword:00000000 "CameraRect"="320,240" "CameraCustomRect"="320,240" "CameraAnchor"=dword:00000003 "CameraShownOnScreen"=dword:00000001 "CameraOffset"="40,40" "CameraCustomOffset"="40,40" "CameraOpacity"=dword:00000064 "CustomOverlayEnabled"=dword:00000000 "CustomOverlayPath"="" "CaptureFileOutput"="" "IndicatorPosition"=dword:00000000 "RigInfoOverlayEnabled"=dword:00000000 "RigInfoOverlayAnchor"=dword:00000003 "RigInfoOverlayDuration"=dword:00001f40 "AudioOutputCaptureEnabled"=dword:00000001 "AudioInputCaptureEnabled"=dword:00000000 "FileAudioSampleRate"=dword:0000bb80 "StreamAudioSampleRate"=dword:0000ac44 "FileAudioBitRate"=dword:000000c0 "StreamAudioBitRate"=dword:00000080 "StreamingService"="none" "YoutubeServer"="" "YoutubeKey"="" "TwitchServer"="" "TwitchKey"="" "CustomServer"="" "CustomKey"="" "StreamingArchiveEnabled"=dword:00000000 "EncodeProfile"="main" "AudioBoostLevel"=dword:00000064 "MicPushToTalkEnabled"=dword:00000000 "MicVolumeLevel"=dword:00000032 "MicVolumeMax"=dword:00000064 "MicPushToTalkHotkey"="MOUSE_MIDDLE" "ToggleRsHotkey"="Alt,R" "ToggleRsPerfUiHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,O" "ToggleRsPerfRecordingHotkey"="Ctrl+Shift,L" "RecordPerfUI"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\EEU] "EeuStartFinish"=dword:00000001 "LogOutputERecord"=dword:00000001 "MRUListPersistence"=dword:00000001 "EeuOsVersion"=dword:00000007 "DppeConf_Version"=dword:00000002 "DppeConf_PXBitFields"=dword:00000000 "DppeConf_PPBitFields"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMD\Fuel] "ServiceStatus"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AMDDVR] "AMDDVR_Tracked"=dword:00000000 [/spoiler]
Anyone have problems with ReLive with this driver? All my recordings have stuttering audio, but not while I'm recording. Tried lots of different things to fix it, but just ended up going back to Adrenalin 17.12.2 and it records fine.

In my case, Radeon Settings regularly crashing when disabling Crossfire, but fortunately, it doesn't lockup my system, or at least it hasn't, yet. Usually I just reopen Radeon Settings and redo the process and it goes through the second time.
Pre 18.1.1 I didn't have these hard locks simply for enabling/disabling crossfire, reverted just the graphics driver not radeon settings or whatever and so far so good.

Vote guys....New stuff coming!!! 😉 Updated:
1/2, 1/3, 1/4 Dynamic Vsync isn't even an option. Meanwhile NVIDIA has it since the asteroid hit the dinosaurs. Five out of the ten "options" are just Overlay/RadeonLink bullcrap. Meanwhile we have no enforceable Vsync and the sh*tiest OpenGL in the business. #priorities
Would be fun to see the less popular voted for options (Or just the full list.) but I guess for a open poll the more tech oriented features would be closer to the bottom of the full list although generic and more broadly sweeping feature requests (IE "Un[bleep] the OpenGL driver!") could certainly see a surge though with 18.1.1 building on ReLive and OSD functionality I am not surprised to see features related to those dominate the list although some other options managed to get through to the top also. 🙂 (And well the OGL driver has improved to be fair but it can't compete in terms of performance and that kinda hinders AMD when it comes to games using that API and software such as anything from work programs to emulators and Linux and Mac systems as well.) EDIT: Well OpenGL 4.x at least although I don't know how fully 4.5 and the upcoming 4.6 version is supported but for older API versions of OpenGL it might still be a bit of a mess of driver compatibility works or outright hacks. (Though that probably goes for several D3D titles too for that matter, some games just don't behave ha ha.)

1/2, 1/3, 1/4 Dynamic Vsync isn't even an option. Meanwhile NVIDIA has it since the asteroid hit the dinosaurs. Five out of the ten "options" are just Overlay/RadeonLink bullcrap. Meanwhile we have no enforceable Vsync and the sh*tiest OpenGL in the business. #priorities
Cap, you're back! I wholeheartedly agree, but the problem with this part of the forums is that whenever you bring up the obvious flaws in AMD's drivers, you're touted as a Fanboy or told that you don't deserve a fix because you use an old GPU and a whole bunch of AMD fanboys flag your posts to moderators as off topic "crap." I have stopped bothering.

Anyone have problems with ReLive with this driver? All my recordings have stuttering audio, but not while I'm recording. Tried lots of different things to fix it, but just ended up going back to Adrenalin 17.12.2 and it records fine.
Same for me, i have an annoying "beep" every sec. Return to 17.12.2 and problem solved. Windows 10 64bit Gpu:r7 360
Looks like there's one known issue with Instant Replay causing stuttering in games with these drivers.
balky12 said: ↑ Anyone else having trouble with Radeon ReLive? Some games it freezes for few seconds when it's running in background? Not recording but I imagine caching for the instant replay function? Rainbow six siege and battalion 1944 suffered from it. Also at times I get micronstuttering. Have a Vega 64 and Ryzen 1700x with 16gb 3200 ram so can't be the system. I'm recording at 1080p on high. Strangely battalion seemed to work better when I capped my fps to below 100 and not have it at 144hz which is my monitors refresh rate. Anyone experience similar
Known issue with Instant Reply at the moment, might want to keep it off for the time being or use an older driver.

1/2, 1/3, 1/4 Dynamic Vsync isn't even an option. Meanwhile NVIDIA has it since the asteroid hit the dinosaurs. Five out of the ten "options" are just Overlay/RadeonLink bullcrap. Meanwhile we have no enforceable Vsync and the sh*tiest OpenGL in the business. #priorities
Yup, we need better OGL for sure. DX12/Vulcan adoption is goin' sloooow.... But we have great DX9/11 performance + Awesome DX12/Vulcan ! 😛 And we have Tweaks 😉
OnnA, could you explain what the DX9 tweaks do in RadeonMod? Or is this the wrong place to ask about them?

OnnA, could you explain what the DX9 tweaks do in RadeonMod? Or is this the wrong place to ask about them?
Yup, go there and ask... AFAIK DX9/10 etc. Tweaks in Our Reg.MOD working for some, and don't for others. I have some Tweaks ON all the time by my *.reg file 😀

I did a bit of non-scientific testing on profiles not saved problem. The behavior is strange. If I do normal shutdown (using Windows GUI or doing Alt+F4 on desktop or WinKey+X way- does not matter) then my changes to profile are preserved (hibernate obviously also works). [SPOILER="The rest of the post"] If I do anything else - normal reboot, or even shutdown or reboot using CLI - shutdown /t 0 /s (or r) then my changes to profile are back to defaults. It matters not if I end RadeonSettings.exe process or not between reboots. The only parameters I'm changing in my test are set chill to enable and its fps setting. Seeing how parameters are changing back to 70-144 made me think that rather than settings not being saved, the global defaults are loaded, overwriting custom settings - same as it happens with Wattman for example when it crashes. The defaults for Chill are stored in HKLM\SOFTWARE\AMD\Chill. If I change defaults in this location then game profile also gets overwritten with modified defaults. The other interesting thing is - starting AMD Radeon Settings does not change timestamp on gmdb.blb, but clicking on Games does. Timestamp on that file gets updated again when I close Radeon Settings or click away from Games. Would someone with working games profiles (profiles that survive shutting down Windows 10 with shutdown /t 0 /s command) export HKLM\SOFTWARE\AMD\Chill be kind and post its contents here? ...and I'd appreciate to be schooled on Chill fps settings. What I know: minimum is 30 and maximum is 300. The defaults are 70 to 144. While I hope I understand default minimum, maximum makes no sense. My understanding is that minimum is what one is comfortable with in particular game and where Chill supposed to kick in if game fps go above (is this immediately or depending on rate / percentage?). The maximum however I do not understand. I do not see logic in stopping Chill if fps are above 144. I'd think Chill would need to be more aggressive after that. Is this what max is? Also, how VSync on/off and FreeSync display range supposed to affect how one would choose the range for Chill?[/SPOILER]
Do you do a shut down? If so when you log back in go to Task Manager and tab over to Performance. What does your up time say?

Thanks OnnA. Nothing too obvious in your registry to jump to conclusion. Chill is globally off in your setup - do you overwrite this in games profiles or start Chill manually?
Enter Adrenalin -> Games -> set Chill for Game e.g. 64-70FPS for BF1 Done 😛 Side note: Im always setting Shader Cache to 1 (it will force Save for Profile) Or you can right click on Game and set Enabled. ...End of Transmission...

Minimum Chill Range is 30. How do set yours to 6?
He has 64

Minimum Chill Range is 30.
Huh, since when? 30 FPS is the lowest value you can set defining a chill range. Range itself is "unlimited". You can have 1 (from 30 FPS to 31 FPS) to 270 range (from 30 FPS to 300 FPS)