AMD Crimson Software Might Cause locked fan RPM at 20% (overheats cards)
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They also need to alter the disclaimer that is agreed to before enabling overdrive. Currently they only mention that the cpu may be damaged when operating outside of stated specifications. Legal team feel asleep on that one.
The "average user" isn't going to immediately relate an apparent GPU failure to a driver. It would take someone technical minded to relate the 2. The people most likely to be affected by this, are the least likely to enable OverDrive and anyone dumb enough not to monitor their GPU temp after enabling an overclocking feature deserves to have their GPU fail imho....
When I overclock, I monitor temps at every adjustment. WTF overclocks purely by adjusting clock speeds? A lot of the cards on the market will hit a thermal wall before they reach the limit of the GPU thanks to piss poor reference coolers.
The only thing with drivers that we should fear...heat-of-death. Both sides have been guilty of it now, but, it's still a major over-sight especially with all the hype. Someone didn't do the checklist it seems. This is why they need to be more open and have wider beta testing teams so as to avoid public backlash when things don't work. Potential critical failure of hardware is serious business.
Neo Cyrus
I don't understand how such a thing could get through, how could it happen... this isn't the first time either. It's happened in the past with both nVidia and AMD.
This only makes me wonder since when AMDs drivers suffered from their teams working on mantle / vulkan / dx12.
Good thing there'll be a hotfix for this and it doesn't come all too late, but if I'd have an AMD card, I'd still be annoyed by this.
just noticed
mine locked itself to 60% when i have max 45% on any profile
it had locked itself in the global overdrive settings, this is a fresh install of the driver after windows 10 went barmy yesterday and i had to reset it
also it had locked the power to +20% even though i had not touched the overdrive prior to noticing this morning
Now I know why they named the new software "Crimson". It's the color of the glow the GPU gives off after installing the driver. :bolt:
AMD Crispy, cause some just like it HOT!
Wonder if this affects generic cards? I have an MSI 290 and the fan works as normal. Runs about 91C @ 1100MHz fan speed goes to 100% but the GPU remains steady at 1100MHz with the slightly extra voltage and GPU power limit at 50%.
How can the cards die if they throttle? Ive previously had a r9280x and it throttled when
It reached temperatures that were up to 75c, my current 290x throttles at 95c and
Even if you try to overheat it on purpose you can't... I once fd up my fan profile
And it was stuck on 10%, card clocked down to 2d clocks cuz of overheat.. So how the
Hell are cards dying from this?
what about the eyefinity problem ??
we are not at amd's Funeral we our just visiting them at the hospital again.
before anyone says it yes I am on my 3.5g card atm.
maybe a card could die MAYBE from this issue but in droves? nah
Wouldn't a Videocard with proper BIOS Setup throttle down when getting too hot?
So basicly you're saying AMD has their hands clean?
You either must be a HUUUUGE Fanboy or... well i'm not gonna insult any further.
I figured I would get it in before anyone else would
to add I would like to be first and say
I am on a image quality reducing driver that turns off my fans on my 3.5g of ram card sold as 4g playing a gameworks title ....did I miss anything? oh it sucks at asynchronous shader
ok I did it.
now amd fix this driver today so you can step 1 foot out of your grave
have a great day all
Thats a real problem that have t be adressed, but cards failing because of ths, is very difficult to believe, seems more like bad user or users trying to get something for free.
AMD sucks
Now, where have I heard something like this before???