AMD Catalyst 14.9.1 BETA Download
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The Mac
GeDoSTo + SweetFx Blur
Well, after starting having the colored lines on every driver I try on my VGA, it's time to RMA.
I didn't want to do this, but the problem is recurring, and I can't deal with the system instability anymore.
I'll take the card to the dealer and see if they will give me back my money or another card.
The Mac
The Mac
The Mac
not exactly an official source there...
14.9.2 should be released today with optimized Sid Meiers Civilization Beyond Earth support as well.
The Mac
this really sounds like a chipset problem if that many thinks are broke.
The Mac
grab a linux live cd and see if the issues persist.
should at least indicate if you are crazy or not.
as a side note, check the s.m.a.r.t. diagnostics of your OS drive, maybe its AFU.
also, you have that 8350 clocked pretty high, back it off some.
The Mac
These all sound like usb issues - Mouse, Keyboard, H100i.
Maybe your USB controller is pants.
Try putting them on a different internal hub.
also check the event viewer for driver and service failures.
The Mac
deff sounds like USB issues.
Try to get them all on one hub, test, then switch to a different one and see if one works better than another.
Personally, ive found that most USB devices act wonky in 3.0 hubs unless they are 3.0 devices.
The Mac
send me a link if you open a new thread.
The Mac
it probably confused by ocl 2.0 support
try aida64