AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC1 (14.200.1004.0 July 9) Download
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^ You can always just stay with the 14.4 whql, until next ''proper/whql'' drivers will come, I hope you know that right?
In order for better stability I'm used to install AMD drivers either via devicemanager (display driver only) or, as I did now with the 14.7 RC1, via catalyst setup, drivers only. (and the MS visual c+, => another new version)
By the way, there are many MS visual c+ VErsions now on my computer: is there any possible conflict experienced by someone?
I disabled C1E c-State due to system instability,
Browsers are one of the most unstable, resource-hogging things you can run on a PC. Ontop of that, a lot of vid card drivers how down-clock from 3d clocks to play Flash videos and such. Then you're going to risk having the browser refresh or get some new Ad pop in and cause a stutter/pause? No thanks!
The Mac
check the AOC site for a firmware update per AMD...
I just find out new option in settings. Don't know when they add it but, I swear I don't see it before. After I enable it, it doesn't do anything, so that I can't really set higher resolution, then I have. Maybe there's something else that need to be ticked also, to get it work.
The Mac
can one of you translate? since most of us dont speak polish...
The Mac
new old bug?
windows are downsized while monitor is in stand by (as if resolution was decreased)
Hym, I thought this option is equivalent to NVIDIA's that allow running monitor in higher resolution. (ex.1080p up to 1440p) without any driver modding/patching stuff.
BTW. Is Anyone having problem with Monitor Wake-up? Since 14.6 and 14.7
my monitor can't wake up after idle... Only restarting pc helps...Hope they fix it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that was seeing some artifacting with the 14.6 & 14.7. It's pretty damn rare (actually only seen it once ever and with this driver, in Wildstar), but still scary.