AMD Catalyst 14.7 RC1 (14.200.1004.0 July 9) Download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 474 Updated by asder00

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Guess all the flawless gaming I did with DX9 games with 14.6 on the same GPU was all just my imagination.
you do know that if you don't experience the bugs, that doesn't meant others are the same ? i only tested a few games, flatout and state of decay, and both doesn't artifacting on 14.4. so i guess you are lucky that you doesn't experience artifacting. all i can say is congratulations. another info that are not related to the drivers, i borrowed my nephew uplay account, to try watch dogs on my PC, and guess what ? watch dogs crash on launch, and that is after the latest patch. while on his PC, watch dogs ran normally, he is using 7970, but i don't think the difference in GPU caused the crash on launch.
^ You can always just stay with the 14.4 whql, until next ''proper/whql'' drivers will come, I hope you know that right?
^ You can always just stay with the 14.4 whql, until next ''proper/whql'' drivers will come, I hope you know that right?
yup i know, besides WHQL are just certified beta drivers, i don't really care if its beta or WHQL. but my concern are with the direction AMD are going, it seems they more and more doesn't care about fixing bugs or improving drivers for games that needed it. and their new driver broke more things, rather than fixing things.
Uninstalled 14.6 Rebooted Booted in to Safe mode, used DDU and uninstalled leftovers Rebooted Booted in to system Installed 14.7 RC Rebooted Says 14.6 RC :3eyes:
Yep, it shows 14.6 RC not 14.7. AMD don't even bothered to update that.
Same situation here...:3eyes:
As i said earlier in the thread, thats because these are just the 14.6s, they have just added that AOC monitor fix to them, and a couple of things for Xfire, and then re-upped them, they are only being listed up on the download site as the 14.7s, as we are now in July, which is the 7th month. Still being reported as 14.6 in the CCC is normal, as they only update the CCC with the correct version in their WHQLs, its been like that for years. 🙂
Ah. Now I found reason why OC is not working. When watching youtube flash videos via Opera and playing same time overclocking is not working. It did with 14.6 RC2 drivers too. Needed to disable HW acceleration to get it working.
Yeah its by design. its not a bug.
In order for better stability I'm used to install AMD drivers either via devicemanager (display driver only) or, as I did now with the 14.7 RC1, via catalyst setup, drivers only. (and the MS visual c+, => another new version) By the way, there are many MS visual c+ VErsions now on my computer: is there any possible conflict experienced by someone?
I disabled C1E c-State due to system instability,
>Still no fixes for DX9 games and geometry stretching out into oblivion in close to two months
What games are we talking about here?
Ah. Now I found reason why OC is not working. When watching youtube flash videos via Opera and playing same time overclocking is not working. It did with 14.6 RC2 drivers too. Needed to disable HW acceleration to get it working.
I never, ever, ever play games with a browser in the background. You're just asking for trouble doing that, and that's nothing new...
Browsers are one of the most unstable, resource-hogging things you can run on a PC. Ontop of that, a lot of vid card drivers how down-clock from 3d clocks to play Flash videos and such. Then you're going to risk having the browser refresh or get some new Ad pop in and cause a stutter/pause? No thanks!
Most of us don't run IE6 with no adblocker on a warez site while we are gaming
Hey I would hope not. But the down-clocking with Flash vid has been a known potential issue for a while...
check the AOC site for a firmware update per AMD...
I just find out new option in settings. Don't know when they add it but, I swear I don't see it before. After I enable it, it doesn't do anything, so that I can't really set higher resolution, then I have. Maybe there's something else that need to be ticked also, to get it work.
can one of you translate? since most of us dont speak polish...
Enable GPU up-scaling.
Thank you. Yes, thats been around for a while. I believe they were having issues with it however...
new old bug? windows are downsized while monitor is in stand by (as if resolution was decreased)
Hym, I thought this option is equivalent to NVIDIA's that allow running monitor in higher resolution. (ex.1080p up to 1440p) without any driver modding/patching stuff. BTW. Is Anyone having problem with Monitor Wake-up? Since 14.6 and 14.7 my monitor can't wake up after idle... Only restarting pc helps...Hope they fix it.
A much as people moan and complain each side has issues. I remember for 5 straight months of drivers on my old 4870x2 it had the 2D clock bug where in any 3D game the 2nd GPU would stay at 2D clocks and not work at all. Not even disabling ULPS helped. I had to use TwL's drivers which improved performance in crossfire MASSIVELY compared to AMD's drivers and crossfire actually worked!
That bug still exists but ya disabling ULPS works on newer cards. Its such a huge problem the clock thing. I dont know why its so hard to fix. Its well known that its an issue so... well I eventually stopped complaining about it. Just did the disable ULPS thing. Wish I wouldn't have to do that but you just cant trust em'.
Could the temperature issue be related to higher ambient temperatures? Personally, I haven't seen any noticeable increases on my system with AMD video cards.
afaik, temp issues are related to memory clocks not dropping back down when they are not needed. I have seen my idle temps @43C instead of 31C and then saw that memory clock is stuck @1400mhz. I re-applied clocks (default clocks) and then it went back down. It happens from time to time...they get stuck. AMDs power play is crappy as always.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that was seeing some artifacting with the 14.6 & 14.7. It's pretty damn rare (actually only seen it once ever and with this driver, in Wildstar), but still scary.