AMD Catalyst 14.1 BETA 1.6 (13.350.1005.0 January 31) Download
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Can no longer play the game in crossfire on Mantle or D3D11... instant system freeze. One card works fine, wtf.
This is one of the few times I clean uninstall previous drivers. It's totally recommended for these drivers.
You can fix the Minecraft openGL stuff by copying the Atio6axx (I think) and atioglxx.dll files from an older beta installation package (and use the expand command to expand the DL_ into a DLL from the command prompt), and then copy the two files into \windows\syswow64. That will give you graphics in minecraft again.
Some quick impressions. With one 290 on ultra, full 64 players server,Siege of Shanghai the fps is locked on 60 (fps capped) on every corner of the map even when the skyscraper fall. I got some minor stuttering but overall is impressive.
Yet, you have to wonder - this would not have been done from the first place with direct x ?
I have 2x 7850 cf and mantle seems a bit bugy. I went from 102fps in BF4 down to 85fps and the second i activate mantle, the 2gb GPU memory is full. Seems to be a memory leak.
But they also said it is not optimized for the 7000er and cf. Maybe i have to wait^^
This ****'s awesome.
Lel. I modded the driver so Mantle would work with my laptop. I can enable Mantle in BF4 and in Starswarm, but if I want to start them, they are crashing .exe has stopped working. Well, was a nice try.
Nice Driver 🙂 BF4 runs smooth , also nice extra fps
but the odd stuttering
Anyone else with r9 290 cards in crossfire have it working? No DX11 game works in crossfire for me anymore, instant crash of PC or game.
AMD Mantle Beta driver is currently supported on:
AMD Radeon™ R9 Series GPUs
AMD Radeon™ R7 Series GPUs
AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series GPUs
AMD Radeon™ HD 8000 Series GPUs
You wan't belived.
I just turn ON the Mantle And...
30fps all the time, only 60 when look at sky or wall.
perfoverlay.drawgraph shows CPU at the 40ms, while GPU is at 20ms.
As soon as I turn DX the fps go to 45-60fps depending on location, but graph looks more "stable" and CPU as GPu stays at 20-22ms. Game is more smooth on DirectX.
Somethings is wrong, AMD in changelog inform that performance on 7000 will be signifant better and it will change in future updates, but in my scenerio its UNPlayable.
I'm gonna check Mantle on StarSwarm benchmark, to see if its only in BF4 or compabillty Mantle and my graphics card.
Clean install here...BF4 with mantle activated => 2-3 fps in both SP and MP, cpu/gpu @ 100% load and my system starts performing like a Nokia 3310. Guess I'll have to wait for the next driver.
AMD recommends to uninstall old drivers first, they actually wrote
"Current driver MUST be uninstalled before updating to AMD Catalyst™ 14.1 Beta driver."
With capitular MUST 😀 I guess I will uninstall this time first.
This driver makes my screen have a reddish tinge. I found that the color temperature comes set to 6400K (and resets to that) but the default button sets it to 6500K. 6500K gives me the normal colors without the red tinge.
Edit: Awww ... no mantle for me? 🙂