AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta 9.5 driver Download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 474 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Care to give reasons why, or are you both just doing the bare-minimum FUD spreading to get some compensation from the competition?
Unable to watch a youtube video with hw or play a movie and get a bsod is unacceptable for me. Don't care about competition, even a 5 year old card can play videos with hw.
frame pacing for quad fire fixes ? what about crossfire fixes ? and where is the optimizations for black flag and ghosts ????? seriously, no wonder i have purchased and have in my possession a xboxone and ps4 lol 😀
Ghosts plays fine for me after running it in border-less window mode and setting process priority to normal in task manager. But I do share your frustration with AMD. There has already been a few driver releases since black flags came out and not one single fix has come from AMD. I'm also getting sick of how they pretty much ignore us single card users. This might very well be the last time I buy an AMD card.:bang:
So you talked all kinds of crap about 290x's being faulty, you talk about BF4 being buggy, but you don't use the hardware or the software. Battlefield 4 is buggy like one out of 20 games for me. How in the world is your opinion worth posting. Your posts annoy me dude, because you're just some guy adding fire to other people's problems and you have zero experience. Be quiet!
I didn't talk crap about the 290s being faulty, they were faulty, black screen crash was a major issue, and some people are still experiencing it now, even after AMDs fix, theres a thread in the AMD card section on here about it, and lots of other forums have big threads on it also, the same goes for BF4. Its just my opinion, from what ive been reading. 🙂
screen flickering is gone on win8.1, but hey now i have this beautiful taskbar flickering and a mouse lag whenever something updates on screen, even blinking cursor while im writing this is causing it...
Is it just me or is the HD7790 a very value card and gives some nice frame rates, but man is that thing bugged!? Everyone I see on hear that has one is always complaining about bad drivers or some bug?
i'm wondering the same thing
The only game I can test it right now is Assassin's Creed 4. And on my HD6850 forcing Vsync in CCC and setting it to OFF in game settings does nothing. I still see screen tearing in the main menu. If I force Vsync via D3DOverrider it works ok. Used DDU to uninstall previous drivers. I think I have this Vsync issue on every 13.11betas. But as for Assassin's Creed - screen tearing is barely noticeable. Maybe it's because the game runs ~30fps on my machine. But since game menu runs at 60fps, I can see tearing there.
Hmmmm, Ghost was a stuttering mess with TriFire HD7970's, but with this driver, it has improved quite a bit. Despite initial stutter at the beginning of a level, it smoothens out. I'll run FRAPS next time when I fire it up, haven't tried BF4 as I've already finished the SP mode (and I play SP mode only). But, I will fire it up the next time as well, it's getting kinda late here in my neck of the woods, gonna hit the sack now....
For 7790 use this drivers awesome 😀 -
I didn't talk crap about the 290s being faulty, they were faulty, black screen crash was a major issue, and some people are still experiencing it now, even after AMDs fix, theres a thread in the AMD card section on here about it, and lots of other forums have big threads on it also, the same goes for BF4. Its just my opinion, from what ive been reading. 🙂
Do you read tabloids, too? I'm just glad others are beginning to see the pattern. Thought it was just me.
So you talked all kinds of crap about 290x's being faulty, you talk about BF4 being buggy, but you don't use the hardware or the software. Battlefield 4 is buggy like one out of 20 games for me. How in the world is your opinion worth posting. Your posts annoy me dude, because you're just some guy adding fire to other people's problems and you have zero experience. Be quiet!
From what I read from users of AMD drivers, there's loads of problems that would almost give the impression that the drivers are just purely broken most of the time. Meanwhile, my experience has been pretty flawless (in-comparison); quite the opposite of what a good bit of people report. Not saying that BF4 is or isn't a buggy game, but there's probably quite a few people who have unstable overclocks and other hardware-related factors (in other words, something not even related to BF4) causing the crashes, and assume it's the game.
Hmmmm, Ghost was a stuttering mess with TriFire HD7970's, but with this driver, it has improved quite a bit.
Holy ****, i can confirm that :eek3: Running 6850CF and getting a solid 60FPS (limited at 60 with RTSS) now, whereas i was getting incredibly jerky 20-25 before on 13.11b8, same goes for AC4 and BF4 also running way better now.... 😕:banana: All benchmarks i run after every driver change remained fairly constant though, no mentionable changes there....and on the downside, i'm too affected by the VSync issue now...
i use dynamic vsync from radeonpro, its the best experience really. I just setup a global profile so when i turn it on it gives dynamic vsync to any game.
I'm not sure how it's supposed to work, but probably because of the poor game performance it doesn't work as it supposed to on my PC. With DynVsync I get even more screen tearing than with VsyncOff. Or at least tearing is more noticeable. P.S. waiting for the RP Infinite 🙂
What bclk are you running at? Get the bclk and HT speed up (Hyper Transport) and you will most likely see a nice speed increase overall on your system. You are probably also going to want to up the speed on your RAM, even if it means loosening up the timings a bit. Also look up "disabling core parking". That should help out a bit as well. To smooth things out even more, set the power settings in Windows to have a minimum state of 100% for the CPU - no more CPU frequency jumping around if you do that.
Intel processors don't use HyperTransport, they use QPI.
any idea if someone with 7850 like me, gonna benefit or not by installing this 9.5 beta ? and i'm sorry that i'm about to go of topic a bit, but i don't know where to post my rant. because when i checked the prices for R9 290 on my local stores, they are ridiculously overpriced, about $900 in every store. and i can't buy overseas, because the custom in here, will held it hostage, and ask for ransom money. i guess, i'm kinda stuck with 7850, man didn't even see this coming that R9 290 gonna be sold $900 locally. i am waiting for the custom cooler, but since custom cooler are usually a lot more expensive than stock cooler, i guess the price range for R9 290 with custom cooler is around $1000-$1200.
sorry wrong post
od tab is back in 9.5, that might be reason enough for most.
Use them . All working good. They are whql. And they are from 2/november/2013, defenitely newer from our last driver that we can use for 7790( catalyst 13.10 beta 2)
is a 13.11 beta 1 ?
Basically The opengl file is newer than latest beta. Also i test them : microvolts,torchlight2,bad company 2,medal of honour, diablo 2 , diablo3 , age of mythology, battlefield4, path of exile. All plays well also the memory clock dont stuck when u use hardware accelaration+ whql This driver is defenitely newer than 13.11 beta 1 (branch 200) This driver is like 13.11 beta 6 but with fixes.
I just installed and tried out these drivers. Not much of a change in most games compared to 9.2. I saw a pretty nice improvement in BF4. It was already playing nice but now it's even better. Ghosts however, tanked big time. I was getting a real solid 60fps with 9.2. But these new drivers dropped me all the way down to 38fps on the same settings...weird.
In my experience, if you turn HT off you avoid some nasty potential conflicts with games (Old and new) and your temps will be lower. You still will have the 4 physical cores, so BF4 and other games that support multi-threading can use your other physical cores.
Why not just buy an i5 then?
have you got freeze with hard reset watching an mkv? (with beta 9.4 it was iimpossible to open a video)
No issues with .mkv files on my 6850. Also previous betas worked fine with video. Using PotPlayer and VLC.