AMD Catalyst 13.1 WHQL Download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 474 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Hey thanks I seem to get the HDMI audio driver fail to install error as well but everything else is perfect. 🙂
OK... so it's not an issue specific to the 79xx cards. I wonder if I can install the sound driver from the 12.11s and use the drivers from 13.1... anyone want to try it?
Same exact performance on far cry 3, stuttering and 50percent gpu usage, hdmi audio is working better, but i also received Driver Install: the driver package does not specify a hardware identifier this error from logs during installation, not much of an update.
Yep I get HDMI driver error as well.
So are these suppose to be with improved latency in Windows8?
No, that will be the 13.2 beta set, which will come in the next few weeks....
Official response from AMD rep about the issue of not being able to install the HDMI driver... for anyone who uses it:
Derko: Right now, I just sent an email to the guys spearheading bug wrangling at AMD. They're friends of mine, and they sit three rows of cubes over for me in the product management team. I see them every day. Tomorrow I will walk over to their desks and get this added to the bug tracker myself, if it's not already on there in the morning because of this email. I included links to every source you provided. I can't say much more, but I've made it a mission of mine to get more invested in drivers in 2013. I'm now sitting in on the twice-weekly status meetings (Tuesday and Thursday), and it's important to me both as a gamer and as an employee of AMD. Radeon HD 7000 isn't just somebody's product at AMD, it's my product when it comes to marketing. To all of you, I am the face of AMD, and it reflects poorly on me when I can't say something about the driver or can't provide a status update. Credibility is my only currency, and I'm going to strike it rich this year. I just ask for you guys to work with me, to submit very specific bug reports w/ hardware and repro steps so I can have our teams try to recreate your scenarios. Together we can make this better, and I hope I have your trust and your patience to see it through. Thanks, Robert
Thracks at OCN.
For 5xxx series the only real drivers are 12.8 I have 5770 and everything above 12.8 i have flickering problems in diablo 3, torchlight 2 , mozilla with hardware accelaration.
Does anyone know why CCC isn't detecting my tv or built in display, with this version or any previous versions? All I get on the control panel is this. It should look something like this, that's also how it looks on my pc. I'm hoping if I get this displaying properly I can stop it from switching to 1080i in DX10/DX11 games.
Does anyone know why CCC isn't detecting my tv or built in display, with this version or any previous versions? All I get on the control panel is this.
You're on a laptop with AMD Enduro technology, a.k.a "muxless switchable graphics." You cannot use Catalyst Control Center to manage monitors in this case; you need to use Intel Media Control Center to do this.
Should I just install this over the BETA? I don't really feel like uninstalling, etc.
You're on a laptop with AMD Enduro technology, a.k.a "muxless switchable graphics." You cannot use Catalyst Control Center to manage monitors in this case; you need to use Intel Media Control Center to do this.
Ugh, was hoping it wouldn't be that, had that before and it was pretty crap, I'll try get the latest version tomorrow
The AMD Catalyst Control Center / AMD Vision Engine Control Center requires that the Microsoft® .NET Framework SP1 be installed for Windows Vista. Without .NET SP1 installed, the AMD Catalyst Control Center / AMD Vision Engine Control Center will not launch properly and the user will see an error message.
Which .NET?
Anyone have any ideas on what the issue of the downsampling might be? Even better... what the tool does and if it can be done manually?
Everything installed. Had the hardware error but its all installed and after reboot it working fine. GW2 is running smooth on my 6950 xfire setup
you did not link the Windows XP drivers. They are on the site. they have 13.1 drivers for XP. i dont know what they fixed.
For 5xxx series the only real drivers are 12.8 I have 5770 and everything above 12.8 i have flickering problems in diablo 3, torchlight 2 , mozilla with hardware accelaration.
Thanks for that. I'll be giving 13.2b a bash, but interesting to know that there's really been no improvement in drivers for 5xxx since then
WHQL drivers - right. First driver package that has given me install errors in forever and I'm just using a single 6870.
The driver has reintroduced the bug in MPC-HC when full/half float point processing is enabled where you get no video at all. The ugly artefacts in some h.264 video is still present.
Confirmed no video on HD5870 with MPC-HC and floating point processing with these.
Drivers seem to working fine for me on my 5870. No issues so far. 🙂
Downclocking issue for me. GPU memory does not going to 2D mode. It is always in 3D performance. :/