AMD Catalyst 12.10 WHQL Download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 474 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Thank you but i think everyone is looking forward to waiting 12.11 🙂
AMD Catalyst 12.10 Win 8 | Win 7 | Vista (64-bit) is not uploaded correctly/completely (for me). (I realize it's AMD's mistake and I'll likely have to wait) Always downloads as 73.4 MB and it should be 184 MB (as a result, obviously the installer refuses to start)
I confirm this, 73.38 MB. Sigh.
I went from 12.11 to 12.10 and still have idle clocks 500Mhz with same voltage as video mode 501Mhz ( 0.943V ) -- instead of 300Mhz with 0.8xx v. First time I encounter this issue... If you know any tricks to make it idle normally, I'd appreciate it.
I went from 12.11 to 12.10 and still have idle clocks 500Mhz with same voltage as video mode 501Mhz ( 0.943V ) -- instead of 300Mhz with 0.8xx v. First time I encounter this issue... If you know any tricks to make it idle normally, I'd appreciate it.
i didn't test the 12.10 driver yet. But i got the same issue with 12.11 i switched back to 12.9 Beta and the Problem is gone. I'd reall ylike to know how to fix that.
Yeah, me too, I just went back to 12.9. If you don't want this problem, don't try 12.10; stay with 12.9. Now between us, AMD has truly issues with its drivers, right? I have never complained, but... Today got headaches. Meanwhile, Mozilla is blocking 12.8 drivers because of a specific bug in the driver that negatively affects firefox... watafak? Also, do you have this minor bug ? Only in the video color section it happens - 12.9, 12.10, 12.11. We get performance, we lose broader quality. P.S. By the way, ClockClocker, why you went from 570 to 7850, if you don't mind? I went from 460GTX to 7950 and still I'm not convinced I did the right thing. I spent almost my half montly income ( 410€ for the card while I only get 920€ per month ).
OMG. I knew something was wrong. Used Firefox for years and had to move to Chrome because of issues. I thought it was strictly a problem with Firefox. Never even thought it might be the GPU drivers. I was on 12.8 at the time.
I'm glad someone brought this up. I've used Firefox since the beginning and this issue is what convinced me to switch to Chrome. At first I thought it was a virus or something, but then eventually figured out they had blacklisted the latest AMD drivers. I understand why they did it (for stability) but how can I continue to use a browser that renders crappy text?
P.S. By the way, ClockClocker, why you went from 570 to 7850, if you don't mind? I went from 460GTX to 7950 and still I'm not convinced I did the right thing. I spent almost my half montly income ( 410€ for the card while I only get 920€ per month ).
I didn't switch. Im running 2 systems with the same specs here (my girlfriend is a gamer 😀). Only difference is the graphics card. PS. Thats also the reason why i doubt that our issue has smth to do with faulty cards. I did so much testing with 4 different cards in both systems without seeing any difference at all. AMD should give me a Job since i really tested everything as far as i can tell.
I notice that the AMD Avivo has been pulled altogether there is a hydra vision 12.10 but no AVIVO video converter 12.10 Is there any reason for this ? regards
Is it save to use this driver, even if it has the "idle bug"?
Is it save to use this driver, even if it has the "idle bug"?
Only some people have it.
Is it save to use this driver, even if it has the "idle bug"?
Not everybody experiences the idle bug. It's best to try for yourself in this case. It seems to be limited to a MB chipset/BIOS combination. No other reason for it to happen.
Eyefinity Flickering gone My eyefinity flickering issues are finally gone with the 12.10s which all started at 12.4 until now. Also games seem a little smoother maybe. I can finally turn off vsync!
Windows Explorer crashes when launching games with this set for me, just like the 12.9 betas. I replaced the ATIUMD64.DLL with the one from the 12.8 WHQL and everything is working fine. These last few drivers from AMD have really sucked donkey balls.
Again this bug! Win7 x64 SP1
Same here. I just installed it from 12.9 Beta... and have this corruption. First time.
Windows Explorer crashes when launching games with this set for me, just like the 12.9 betas. I replaced the ATIUMD64.DLL with the one from the 12.8 WHQL and everything is working fine. These last few drivers from AMD have really sucked donkey balls.
And had this occur a few times already, especially in the middle of a game!! 🙁 I will be going back to 12.9 or earlier to test or try your fix if I download an older driver.
This Driver works well for me. This is the first set of Drivers that I installed that didnt need any registry modifications to make Trifire/crossfire work properly. I did not have to disable ULPS this round again. This Driver fixes the crazy Glitcheyness in "Sleeping Dogs" with tri-fire 7970's. I like this driver so far! I downloaded Catalyst 12.10 from the AMD site.
hmmm... Recently two interesting different viewpoints on these Drivers. Its sad not knowing whether or not the next drivers will be better or worse. I never upgraded from 12.8 to 12.9 because I was thinking well these work fine for me why test something that might break it.... I have that mentality with driver updates. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm a hardcore performance gamer rig type too and I just don't play with these driver updates as much as I used to. (i actually thought my Sleeping Dog Glitches were due to FX CPU bulldozer) (okay i have an FX series CPU maybe i'm not so hardcore performance in that area) I never used to have that thought that the next driver might kill my gaming in the 4800 series days. Something changed with Hardware and Gaming. I know for a fact games aren't programmed as well anymore Darn Ports... but has AMD changed alot? my 4870 was ATI?