AMD A10 5800K Trinity APU preview
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Hilbert Hagedoorn
Yeah I noticed that, already fixed đŸ˜‰
Thank you for this preview.
Unfortunately, it appears my 3.5-year old i7 920 offers more muscle, which is somehow disappointing. AMD really has to do something or just focus on slower CPUs.
Power consumption seems kinda high but that IGP performance is top notch. I sense an itx build coming along :P
Hmm... Hmm... I'm looking to upgrade our AMD Athlon 64 X2 7750 Black Edition based HTPC soon. Maybe this would be a good option?
Is AMD only going to make APU's from now on? It's probably a stupid question..
Sorry I haven't been keeping up to date.
Trinity APU preview
Not if Techreport has anything to say:
Yes, AMD and other firms have done limited "preview" releases in the past, where select publications are allowed to publish a few pictures and perhaps a handful of benchmark numbers ahead of time.
There is some slight precedent there.
But none of that changes the fact that this plan is absolutely, bat-guano crazy. It crosses a line that should not be crossed.
Companies like AMD don't get to decide what gets highlighted in reviews and what doesn't.
Using the review press's general willingness to agree on one thing—timing—to get additional control may seem clever, but we've thought it over, and no.
We'll keep our independence, thanks.