Users report bricked Samsung 850 Pro after latest firmware update

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First thing I thought when I read the headline: 'You've got to be sh*tting me.' Samsung has a problem with it's drive's firmware as it seems, which obviously doesn't work well on the 840 evo, and now the 850 pro... this only makes me think I should better go with something else when I buy the next SSDs, probably Cruicial.
I updated my 850 Pro on monday, and no issues here. At first i hesitated, if i should update, but after quick Googling i updated. But good to know, next time i wait at least a week.
Damn..Hope my Samsung 840 Pro doesn't have these issues..
Most likely not, since it uses a different hardware and firmware.
I saw the update notification on sunday night, but was playing l4d2 with friends and i said "eh...some other time" glad i did. Don't want to risk my data.
L4D2 saves the day 🙂
damn, I updated to this firmware on 2x 850 pro, but everything been running fine, so hopefully they release a fixed firmware soon
Absolutely right, upgrading various CRITICAL (!!!) things has become WAY too easy. I've seen it a couple of times in our shop too.
That's Samsung for you....
Any word what the new firmware was supposed to fix/enhance?
There's no reason to update SSD firmware if you're not experiencing an issue that the firmware was intended to correct.
So this means that the most reliable SSD´s are the ones from Intel???
The second I pressed the Update button I knew I made a mistake. 2 mistakes! Using firmware Update directly in Magician, instead of downloading and executing it externally as standalone. Upgrading firmware in the 1st place So why I did it? Upgrade button was there, it was too easy, I didn't put any thought into it.
my 256GB 850 Pro is fine after the firmware update.
same here 🙂
Any word what the new firmware was supposed to fix/enhance?
some performance enhancements in limited cases, that's as much as I remember
There's no reason to update SSD firmware if you're not experiencing an issue that the firmware was intended to correct.
Exactly, what the Frak with these people? It's not like a video driver, you don't need to upgrade your hard drive firmware unless for example, they are adding a feature like support for a special chipset option on the particular motherboard you have or TRIM is being added or something important like that. Otherwise, you update and it goes bad on you, no sympathy, you were asking for it, go cry somewhere else.
Why the heck do you update? Tell me why? If you have a compatibility problem, ok, do it. But if you don't why do you do it? Because it scratches you in the butt? Because you have too much free time?
I update to fix things before they break. Of course there's always the risk of something broken by the update, but that should be known after a few days, so if after a week nothing happened, I update.
What the Frak? It's not like a video driver, you don't need to upgrade your hard drive bios unless for example, they are adding a feature like support for a special chipset option on the particular motherboard you have or TRIM is being added or something important like that. Otherwise, you update and it goes bad on you, not sympathy, you were asking for it, go cry somewhere else.
You don't get it do you? You don't have to search for Win 8.1 64 bit 15.2 Mantle 78.321 driver, then download it, and then decide whether you gonna install it. Clicking that suddenly available, Update button in Magician IS ALL IT TAKES
data/avatar/default/avatar23.webp as i posted already my friend has the same problem.... so whats next 😀?
Contact Samsung, or just wait for further instructions. Apparently he's not alone.
you update and it goes bad on you, not sympathy, you were asking for it, go cry somewhere else
I see discussion here and few smileys. You're the only one crying here
of all the components in the system if my harddrive fails I will lost all my on-going programming software , which will be a disaster ...
External HDD or NAS + Acronis Scheduled Clone backups = WIN
Maybe I dodged a bullet? I have an 830. No problems were reported that I'm aware. Then because of the new chips in the 850 series and because of the 840 issue I went with an 850 Evo only a few days ago. Now it seems there are issues with the 850 Pro! I hope it stop there. Hope they get fixes for all you guys.