Acer Hit by Ransomware - Hackers Want $50M

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crime rate is through the roof cause of bitcoin
As things are going, your best practice as a company is having the sensible stuff on a private internal network not connected to the internet. When you want to exchange information, do it through a private channel: even if it's compromised, not everything will be.

Yes, 100% - We have never had crime before Bitcoin was invented! All them Scams that have never gone on before. Shame on Bitcoin...
not what said.I said the number of such attacks is up.
cucaulay malkin:

not what said.I said the number of such attacks is up.
I think the cibercrime has existed since the early days, in the same amount, the thing is that now it have much more visibility. We could think that criptos has helped it, but criminals has been able to "clean" old dirty dolars through bank accounts since the old days.
cucaulay malkin:

crime rate is through the roof cause of bitcoin
I do not see any relationship between the 2 things.
Criminals WERE able to "wash" money through various schemes, but it's not so easy anymore due to ... computers. In the pre-computer age money was just paper money or records on paper. There was very little tracing of where it's coming and where it's going, so swapping criminally obtained money for legally obtained money was pretty easy. Not so much in the computer age where every transaction can be recorded and traced. .... Here comes crypto ... the new golden age of crime, with "money" that can be easily hidden by simply "trading" it on a shady marketplace. Who's guilty for allowing this to happen ? Everyone that's ever "bought" crypto by putting in their old style money in shady crypto marketplaces. It's just a question of time until governments have had enough of this mess and completely shut those marketplaces down. When official money of countries cannot be traded for crypto anymore, crypto will return to its inherent "value", which is precisely 0.
Ouch, 50 mil of fake money.
Bitcoin, eth and other cryptos can be traceable by law enforcement. Only a couple of the rarer ones (monero, zcash) which use more sophisticated concealment measures are not as of yet.

It's just a question of time until governments have had enough of this mess and completely shut those marketplaces down. When official money of countries cannot be traded for crypto anymore, crypto will return to its inherent "value", which is precisely 0.
What "mess" governments have had enough of are you referring to?

Yes, 100% - We have never had crime before Bitcoin was invented! All them Scams that have never gone on before. Shame on Bitcoin...
Yeah let's pretend Bitcoin didn't incentivize criminals a thousand times over versus prior to it existing. Let's pretend we all have brain damage.
Acer, as a big tech name hasn't implemented a high end backup replication system able to withstand this kind of attack?
Someone at Acer clicked a dodgy link inside an email, bit of a fail 🙂

Acer, as a big tech name hasn't implemented a high end backup replication system able to withstand this kind of attack?
Noooo... you don't say. But I read on Guru3d forums that it's Bitcoin's fault because.... it "incentivize criminals a thousand times over versus prior to it existing". Crime is up 100,000 % Here I was minding my private business. But as soon as Bitcoin came along, I became a career criminal LOL If you think bitcoins makes a career criminal's life easier, wait till you hear about cell phones and cars and... electricity and internet 😱

Someone at acer took a large bribe by the hackers....
Is that how these people operate these days? I had a ransomware attack once at work, one of the staff clicked on a link inside an email. The email and it's content looked super dodgy to me from minute one but he was a bit of a n00b so he clicked it. But I guess it's easier these days to give someone a backhander to get inside.
Crypto to be blamed? Seriously, if this is an axiom, prove it. Explain it like I'm 5. Maybe I'll be surprised. I am waiting.

Crypto to be blamed? Seriously, if this is an axiom, prove it. Explain it like I'm 5. Maybe I'll be surprised. I am waiting.
It provides a way to steal without leaving a trail. They'll want that $50M in some form of crypto, guaranteed. They'd be caught no problem if they wanted the funds in a traditional method, and therefore wouldn't have the balls to try it. Crypto is what empowers them to do this BS. This is one of the big reasons why most of us want crypto outlawed, it's empowered criminals way too much. That and polluting the earth at an insane rate.
Neo Cyrus:

This is one of the big reasons why most of us want crypto outlawed, it's empowered criminals way too much. That and polluting the earth at an insane rate.
Good points but let me rectify: Most of us want crypto outlawed because we cannot get the good video cards to play games, and after that, just as you said: because of the criminal stuff and earth pollution

Crypto to be blamed? Seriously, if this is an axiom, prove it. Explain it like I'm 5. Maybe I'll be surprised. I am waiting.
Neo Cyrus:

It provides a way to steal without leaving a trail.
No it doesn't.
Neo Cyrus:

They'd be caught no problem if they wanted the funds in a traditional method, and therefore wouldn't have the balls to try it.
Obviously false. Ransoms did not suddenly begin with the invention of Bitcoin.
Neo Cyrus:

This is one of the big reasons why most of us want crypto outlawed, it's empowered criminals way too much.
That's what technology has been doing since the stone age - empowering EVERYONE that has access. Empowering criminals "way too much" is arbitrary and vague as fuk, and does not come close to "explaining it to 5yr old". What do you mean "too much"? Too much compared to what - a chair? Cell phone? Internet?
Neo Cyrus:

That and polluting the earth at an insane rate.
Is that's why you're rocking 3080 OC? Hypocrisy galore 🙄 Look whale, your CO2 footprint is that of the entire village. Literally. And that's without bringing up your C02-spitting whale ancestors that brought us to this place.

No it doesn't.
Obviously didn't mean it in an absolute 100% sense. Compared to traditional ransoms it's a galaxy more difficult for cops to deal with.

Obviously false. Ransoms did not suddenly begin with the invention of Bitcoin.
Obviously true, these ransoms skyrocketed after Crypto became sought after, stop trying to pass it off as nothing.

That's what technology has been doing since the stone age - empowering EVERYONE that has access. Empowering criminals "way too much" is arbitrary and vague as fuk, and does not come close to "explaining it to 5yr old". What do you mean "too much"? Too much compared to what - a chair? Cell phone? Internet?
Oh yeah, empowering everyone, because everyone can get thousands of GPUs and set up mining farms and has the connection to run criminal rings.

Is that's why you're rocking 3080 OC? Hypocrisy galore 🙄 Look whale, your CO2 footprint is that of the entire village. Literally. And that's without bringing up your C02-spitting whale ancestors that brought us to this place.
Yeah man I'm the problem, the guy with a single 3080, let's compare me to a homeless person in a village in the middle of nowhere who doesn't use electricity. That makes sense and totally isn't a strawman argument. I'm not even going to bring up the fact that I'm in a country that now even charge carbon tax in an area that has the highest electricity costs in the country. Meanwhile some more people were killed today relating to illegal activities of drug lords who run mining farms, but yeah keep calling me a hypocrite for using a single high powered GPU when ONE SINGLE BITCOIN TRANSACTION uses more electricity than I'll use in an eternity. How biased can you be with these crazy mental gymnastics? Get a grip, crypto is a tool primarily for wealthy criminals, it's not some tool for freedom as those in a delusional fantasy think.
Neo Cyrus:

Obviously didn't mean it in an absolute 100% sense. Compared to traditional ransoms it's a galaxy more difficult for cops to deal with.
Just because criminals are not complete Mor(m)ons riding in open horse drawn carriages across the main street and abducting people in broad daylight, we should ban any technology that you feel is very useful to criminals. Are you fukin kiddin me? No - you are dead serious. Look.,.. you accepted the challenge of proving that crypto is to be blamed for Acer being blackmailed. Instead of proving it, you have offered nothing but your personal opinions and value judgments. Then there is hypocrisy of using 3080 OC and complaining about other peoples use of electricity. I showed you raw data proving that richest 10-percenters, you among them, are blowing 50% of CO2 budget. But you don't get these numbers it seems. You think that I am comparing you to ppl living in the jungle - I am not. I am comparing you with 90% of Earth's population. If your net worth is more than $100k, you belong to the world's richest decile. You are 10-percenter. Taking you as an average 10-percenter, you are blowing 10 times more C02 than the average non 10-percenter. Compared to the bottom half: You are blowing 25 times more CO2 than the average person from the bottom HALF of Earth population. Do you use clothes dryer? Cloth dryers in North America alone use a similar amount of energy to that of the entire Bitcoin. All that waste of energy for avoiding the mild inconvenience of hanging up your clothes and waiting a bit longer. If not using them why are you not rallying against clothes dryers?
Neo Cyrus:

How biased can you be with these crazy mental gymnastics? Get a grip, crypto is a tool primarily for wealthy criminals, it's not some tool for freedom as those in a delusional fantasy think.
I am not a criminal. I don't know a single bitcoin user who is a criminal.