With a slightly borrowed name from a popular ATI utility hosted here at Guru3D.com this tweak is intended for use with GeForce/Quadro cards and ForceWare 55.xx - 8x.xx 3D Stereo drivers. NVTweak is not fully compatible with Windows 98/Me or driver versions older than 55.xx. If you do happen to run this tweak with older software, you could get errors at startup! To enable full compatibility, you will need to disable the options that are causing issues with your current setup.
NVTweak allows you to operate a graphics card out of normal specifications by overclocking and/or modifying how the driver operates. You should always use the overclocking utility with extreme care!
Prerequisites for NVTray:
32-bit: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)
64-bit: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64)
Changes in NVTray
- Opens NVIDIA application profiles in wordpad by default (instead of notepad.exe) which makes the file more legible and easier to quickly make modifications by hand
Changes in NVTweak v2.0 / NVTray
- Support for Windows x64 Edition
- Based on Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
- Multiple enhancements to NVTray (NVIDIA Tray Tools) utility, including;
- Ability to customize both OpenGL and Direct3D settings independently
- Optimizations customizable for OpenGL and Direct3D modes separately
- Supports many more Antialiasing modes than the default NVIDIA control panel
- AFR/AFR2/SFR/SLIAA SLI rendering modes supported
- Compatible with future drivers and the new NVIDIA Control Panel
- and much more!
- Added option to run NVTray minimized at Windows startup
- Added the ability to custom set (or mix & match) Coolbits modes, including;
- Additional Direct3D
- Clock Frequency (Overclocking) Settings
- Additional Direct3D, Clock Frequency (Overclocking) Settings
- SLI Profiles (AFR/SFR/AFR2/etc)
- and more!