This driver was found on Station drivers. In it's original form it is supposed to be a GeForce 8800 driver. We however have modified the driver to work with pretty much any GeForce graphics card to date.
In it's original file-size the archive was over 55 MB, we have recompresed the set and it's now at 34.5 MB
The binaries have been virus and pest checked. Should you try out these drivers then be sure to visit our dedicated forum thread in which you can discuss the positives and negatives on these drivers. Again, this is meant to be a Geforce 8800 driver. If it doesn't work out for you .. then don't complain okay ? And if it does .. wel good for you !
In it's original file-size the archive was over 55 MB, we have recompresed the set and it's now at 34.5 MB
The binaries have been virus and pest checked. Should you try out these drivers then be sure to visit our dedicated forum thread in which you can discuss the positives and negatives on these drivers. Again, this is meant to be a Geforce 8800 driver. If it doesn't work out for you .. then don't complain okay ? And if it does .. wel good for you !