Forceware 85.96 Windows XP

Videocards - NVIDIA GeForce (XP 32-bit) 651 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Price ImageOne of our forum users (Syphon452) noticed this ForceWare on the web. Although a tad older than the current series 90 release we must admit, the 85.xx drivers always have been great. Neither NVIDIA or this site is responsible for the end-results here. You can read more about his driver in this forum thread.

Props to Syphon452 for providing this driver and for the modified .inf file.

Again, this driver includes a new modded INF which makes it compatible with most GeForce cards. Please be sureĀ  to properly uninstall your current graphics card drivers before installing new ones.

This is an unofficial driver, use it at your own risk. We repackaged this driver and where able to recompress it towards 13 MB.

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