F-Erase v2.0

Generic Utilities 107 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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F-Erase is one of the fastest and effective cleaners on the net. It cleans out many programs log files, unneeded windows files that slow down the computer and many other things in very short time.

It goes through many different folders (more each version) and is becoming better each day. F-Erase cleans out better, is faster than and has a smaller size than a majority of 'computer cleaners'. The design may be simple but F-Eraseis more complex than it looks. In that 2 seconds the programs cleans out more than program that that 30 minutes!

1. load it up
2. Put in the drive letter.
3. Put in the account name you want to clean. (administrator is standard.)
4. Hit CleanUp and wait 2 seconds.
5. Report any bugs, problems or suggestions to GeoTube [at] Gmail.com (switch [at] with @).

Version History :-

2.0 - New name, Computer Cleaner is now known as F-Erase. More power and speed than before.
1.8 - Enhanced the deletetion system again, added some more files and directories.
1.7 - Added about 30 more directories/files to wipe. Added link to blog.
1.6 - Created the batch file seperately. Program is smaller and less to download.
1.5 - More powerful deletion system. Fixed problem with batch file.
1.4 - Added advanced tricks.
1.3 - Added log system.
1.2 - Changed layout and added more files.
1.1 - Added more bad files.
1.0 - First Created. Basic layout.

Please do not Play around with the drive letter and username as your PC may get damaged.

If any damage comes out of using this program it is not my fault. If damage came out through someone tampering with the program and accidently deleting everything then please blame them. This program has been made for cleaning up a computer easily and quickly. If it came with an install please DO NOT USE IT. The program is a non-install cleaner and if an installer is present email me (see above), give me details like where you downloaded it, date, etc and I'll get on it.

P.S. If you find any folders that have logs that are not needed please email me telling me the full address. I will add it to the next version If I see it isn't malicious.

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