Archive for December 2007
If you had a close look at the 8800 GTX & Ultra, you'd notice there's a second SLI finger (connector) and to date there has been a lot of speculation about that extra connector, to name one .. it could have been an extension for physics over a third card. The truth is often to be found in the most simple and logical solution, it was all about SLI from the get go. If you have one of these rather expensive cards you can now link up three cards and enable 3-way SLI.
PC Buyer's Guide Christmas 2007
ForceWare 169.21 Vista (32-bit)
Windows Vista 32-bit
ForceWare 169.21 Vista (64-bit)
Windows Vista 64-bit
ffdshow tryouts beta 4 (stable release)
x.264 and other container files are getting pretty popular for compressing movies and content. The problem is, you can't really decode them through your graphics card.