Archive for August 2003

XiMeta 80 Gb NetDisk review

Smartphones and Gadgets 25 Published by Hilbert Hagedoorn 0

External HD's .. nothing new I hear you say. External HD's with USB 2.0 running 22 MB/sec are more interesting I agree. But an external HD that can be connected directly to your 100/10 Mbit Ethernet's Switch, Router, HUB or NIC. Now that's where I got your attention eh ?

Gigabyte 7NNXP nFORCE 2 review

Mainboards 338 Published by Hilbert Hagedoorn 0

Gigabyte known for their reputation of making quality computer hardware recently shook hands with nVIDIA again. Today we are going to talk about the powerful nVIDIA nFORCE2 Ultra (SPP / MCP-T) based 7NNXP from the Gigabyte K7 Triton series mainboards, a mainboard that can deal with the new 400 MHz FSB Athlon processors.

Logitech MX Duo

Smartphones and Gadgets 25 Published by Dave Crewe 0

Oh Man! I said, so then I thought well Ill see what its like online for this thing. Sure enough I saved about $30-40 going through Vibe Computers.